TAMA Free Clinics

2/5/2020 7:30 PM

TAMA Free Clinics

TAMA Free Clinics

Dates: Wednesdays, 2018
Time: 7:30pm-8:30pm
Venue: TAMA Office, 5490 McGinnis Ferry Rd, Suite 217, Alpharetta, GA 30005
Register: here
Contact: 678-358-3625, clinic@tama.org

 ​TAMA Health Clinic



Telugu Association of Metro Atlanta (TAMA) has been part of the Atlanta Telugu community for the past 35 years. Established in 1981, TAMA is one of the longest serving organizations within the Atlanta Indian community. Although TAMA started as a cultural organization, it has evolved based on the needs of the community providing social service activities for people in need. We have been involved in raising funds in time of need for a multitude of unfortunate incidents, be it the death of community members, fires at apartments as well as natural disasters in India.

The idea for the TAMA clinic started in the year 2013 when we saw the need for helping the elders in the community who are visiting their children and did not have access to basic health care needs. And the idea came into fruition in 2014 with TAMA Free Clinic getting official recognition from Georgia Department of Public Health. Also TAMA is the only local ethnic organization perhaps in the entire USA to run a free clinic.

By renting out an additional room alongside the existing TAMA office, the clinic became operational with a couple of registered volunteers (needed to be certified by GADPH) helping the doctors once a month. Starting in 2015 the registered volunteers went up to fourteen and with 6 doctors of different specializations working towards this goal, the clinic has grown leaps and bounds. Starting summer of 2015, TAMA Clinic is operating every week open on Wednesdays starting at 7:30 PM. And most of the times it has been open past 10 PM.

General Checkups, Basic tests for Diabetes and Blood pressure are done at the Clinic. Prescriptions for basic ailments as well as dental related problems are also provided as needed. TAMA has also worked with Quest diagnostics to get blood tests done at a discounted price for people referred from TAMA Clinic.

As of now, TAMA Clinic has served more than 500 people and based on the average attendance will have served more than 700 people by end of the year. With the objective of serving visiting parents who may be uninsured or underinsured and keeping their needs in mind, we have recently rented two office suites in the ground floor dedicating them to the clinic. We have also started taking online appointments for expedited services and making sure the wait time is minimal.

We are glad to announce that TAMA Clinic received a Certificate of Appreciation from Georgia Department of Health for the outstanding contributions of the volunteers and staff at the TAMA clinic. It was no wonder that we received this achievement as we have 2 to 3 doctors available every week and close to 300 volunteer hours spent in this initiative.

In order to continue these services, we are requesting funds from donors so that we would be able to consistently maintain the same level of service to the community. The major expense would be going towards the rent of the facility and the supplies needed. We are making sure to keep the costs to a minimum as we seek donations from the community. Please donate generously as every penny counts towards this noble cause.

Donations can be done through our website also. Please visit www.tama.org/payments and at the bottom of the page where it says Other Payments, add Clinic in the description section and donate the amount.

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