“The Art of Anger” (Global & Postcolonial Studies)

2/24/2017 2:00 PM

“The Art of Anger” (Global & Postcolonial Studies)

Global and Postcolonial Studies
invites you to its first Spring 2017 event: “The Art of Anger”
Bring poems and short passages that exemplify the action of art, poetry, philosophy, and theory on processes of cognition, education, and affective arousal. Or just come to listen. Open to all faculty and students. This event features a special focus on Literature from the Banned Seven.
Reception Follows 
Please send me the title and source of the piece you will read from so I can compile a bibliography to share. 

Date: Friday, February 24, 2017
Time: 2 PM-4 PM
Venue: Kemp Malone (3rd floor N Callaway 301), Emory University, 537 KILGO CIR, ATLANTA, GA, 30322
The easiest way to find the Kemp Malone Library is to enter Callaway from the north side (the side opposite the Quad). After entering, turn left and take the elevator (across the hall from the Comparative Literature Department) up to the third floor. The Kemp Malone Library will be directly in front of you, in Room N301.
Contact: Deepika Bahri, English and Comparative Literature, FX: 404-727-2605

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