The Life of Milarepa

4/11/2016 7:30 PM

The Life of Milarepa
Carlos Reads Book ClubMONDAY, APRIL 11, 2016, 7:30 – 8:30PM EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME
Carlos Reads Book Club
Location Michael C. Carlos Museum
Board Room, Level Two
University Event Topic Arts
Department/Organization Carlos Museum

One of the most beloved stories of the Tibetan people and a great literary example of the contemplative life, Tsangnyön Heruka’s The Life of Milarepa, a biography and a dramatic tale from a culture now in crisis, can be read on several levels. A personal and moving introduction to Tibetan Buddhism, it is also a detailed guide to the search for liberation. It presents a quest for purification and buddha-hood in a single lifetime, tracing the path of a great sinner who became a great saint. It is also a powerfully evocative narrative, full of magic, miracles, suspense, and humor, while reflecting the religious and social life of medieval Tibet.

Registration is required by calling 404-727-6118. Fee, which includes the book: $20 for Carlos Museum members; $35 for non-members.

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