The United States in South Asia: Friends, Foes, and Flawed Policies

4/11/2017 4:30 PM

The United States in South Asia: Friends, Foes, and Flawed Policies

 ​The Halle Institute and Global Strategy and Initiatives presents

The United States in South Asia:
Friends, Foes, and Flawed Policies

Tuesday, April 11, 2017
4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
White Hall 208
301 Dowman Drive
Atlanta, GA 30322
On Tuesday, April 11, Ambassador Arun Singh, 2017 Halle Distinguished Fellow, will be the honored guest of Distinguished Ambassador in Residence Marion Creekmore for an open classroom event. Ambassador Singh will highlight the United States government's policies in South Asia since India and Pakistan became independent, how these policies were received in the subcontinent, and how key countries there accepted or countered them.
Ambassador Singh served in India's foreign service for over 35 years with postings in Russia, France, Japan, Ethiopia, and--most recently--the United States.
Admission is free, but registration is requested.

Contact: eycheng@emory.edu909.573.2573 

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