The Human Boundaries - A Documentary Film and Dinner

7/27/2012 7:00 PM

The Human Boundaries - A Documentary Film and Dinner The Human Boundaries
India Awareness Foundation (IAF) with the support of Hindu Temple of Atlanta, Riverdale, GA announces hosting of a critically acclaimed documentary, The Human Boundaries, produced by the Indian filmmaker, Rahul Riji Nair about the plight of the Hindu refugees from Pakistan now living in the Dera Dhuni Baba refugee camp in the Indian capital, New Delhi.
Whether a Hindu or not, you will be moved by the pathetic plight of these families living in sub-human squalor. Systematic violence, rampant discrimination, and widespread restrictions on religious freedom have led thousands of Pakistani Hindus to seek refuge in India in recent years. The world community including the Government of India has remained silent on the plight of these unfortunate persecuted minorities. Let us show solidarity by finding some time to see this.
The film producer, Nair has said: "The purpose of this film is to portray the traumatic daily events plaguing a population caught in a geo-political conundrum that is discriminated against purely on religious grounds. They are left virtually without a state that is capable of protecting their basic human liberties. It is my sincere hope that the American public will better understand their suffering after seeing the documentary."

Please join us in extending your moral support to the cause of these persecuted human beings.

Date: Friday, July 27
Time: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Venue: Hindu Temple of Atlanta
5851 GA Highway 85, Riverdale 

Admission: Free | Everyone Welcome 

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