Undocumented Youth and Higher Education in Georgia

11/12/2014 7:30 PM

Undocumented Youth and Higher Education in Georgia

Are there really many "illegal Indian-American immigrants"? Well, last year it was reported that “the number of illegal immigrants in the US who originated from India is estimated to be about 240,000, which makes India the 7th-highest ranked country in that regard.” (http://www.americanbazaaronline.com/2013/09/10/2318-increase-asylum-seekers-india-us-last-3-years/)

How/ can undocumented children attend college?

"Freedom Fighters Speak: Undocumented Youth and Higher Education in Georgia," co-sponsored by TEDxEmory and Emory College Council.

Date: Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Time: 7:30pm
Venue: Harland Cinema - (3rd floor of the DUC) Emory Univ, 605 Asbury Cir, Druid Hills, Georgia 30322
Contact: ***Do you have questions about this issue? Message your questions to the Freedom At Emory University facebook page and we will incorporate them into our panel discussion!*** ‪#‎freedomatemory‬‬ https://www.facebook.com/events/1518912525023835/

Come hear undocumented students from Freedom University Georgia and immigration activists talk about educational policies that harm undocumented youth.

Freedom At Emory University is a coalition of students and faculty at Emory University who are working to change financial aid and non discrimination policies so make Emory more accessible to undocumented youth. Please go to our page to read more about this initiative.

***Free Chipotle, courtesy of College Council's Chipotle Chats!***


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