Vedanta Center of Atlanta Events

5/7/2023 11:00 AM

Vedanta Center of Atlanta Events

Sunday, May 7th @ 11am

11am to 12noon ET
Join us online (Zoom) or in-person in the Chapel

On Sunday morning Br. Shankara will give a talk called “What, Are You Thinking?” on Zoom and in-person in the Chapel.

Please Note: We are continuing to wear masks when indoors out of concern and respect for our older congregation members and Center residents, and those with health concerns. We ask that if you attend in-person activities at the Center that you also be willing to do so. Thank you.

May is a month for study of Jnana Yoga (advaita vedanta). As a jnana yogi, you practice discrimination, reason, detachment, and satyagraha (insistence on Truth).You seek total freedom from conditions and limitations, and union with Brahman.

Our teachers say all your misery and lonely sense of separation are caused by seeing inaccurately. As an earnest and persistent jnani, you may break through this misapprehension (Maya). All that was hidden is revealed and you see the Divine Presence everywhere, in everything, and everyone.

“What, Are You Thinking?”

Annihilate the mind. Destroy the mind. Dissolve the mind. These are the words used by a jnani, determined to be free of the entanglements of time, space, and causation — of maya.

Is it any wonder that there are so few who, devoted entirely to knowledge of Brahman alone, are willing to actually live the life of a jnani?

A practicing jnani lives alone, apart from situations that give rise to conversation and thoughts. She ignores the mind, giving less and less attention to its desires, memories, and projections. Finally, it disappears, dissolved in the ocean of consciousness she may call Brahman, or the Godhead.

Sri Ramakrishna prayed, O Mother, do not make me a dry jnani. Let me eat, drink, and make merry, and enjoy the company of the devotees.

On Sunday morning we will review and discuss these ideas. Please join us.

  • Our Chapel is open for your use, as you wish, from 8am to 8pm every day — but please check before coming, in case Br. Shankara is away from the Center. Meetings are by appointment only; please arrange these by phone or email.
  • Swami Sarvadevananda-ji, our Center’s head minister, will visit with us from early Sunday evening, May 14th through Tuesday afternoon, May 16th. The swami will give a talk in the Chapel on Sunday at 8pm on “Mantra and Initiation.”

    In-person attendance is welcome at the swami’s talk; masks are required when indoors. The talk will also be live-streamed on Zoom; join using the regular Sunday talk link (

Ongoing Activities

Weekly Classes (online via Zoom)

Tue, 7:30-8:30pm - Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna (Nikhilananda)
Zoom  |  Archive

Wed, 7:30-8:30pm - Bhagavad Gita: The Song of God (Prabhavananda)
Zoom  |  Archive

Sat, 12-1pm - How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali (Prabhavananda) 
Zoom  |  Archive

Evening Arati (online via Zoom)
Daily except Sunday, at 7:00pm
-  Zoom

Chandi Readings (online via Zoom)

1st Saturday, 11am-12pm, Chandi is read in Sanskrit  
-  Zoom

2nd Saturday, 9:30-10am, Chandi is read in English 
-  Zoom

2nd Saturday of each month (unless otherwise noted)
- Seva Saturday, 10am-2pm (in-person at the Center)
  Seva means serving in the fellowship of volunteers, or Karma Yogis!


Nisargadatta and Jnana Yoga Online Group
Sundays at 5pm Eastern, via Zoom at 

Contact to have chapters sent to you.

Full Calendar of Activities and Events →
Video Archive of Talks, Classes, Special events →


World Laughter Day
May 7, 2023; 1:00-1:40 pm
Vedanta Center of Atlanta . 2331 Brockett Rd. Tucker, GA
Event will be held outdoors! There is no cost to attend.

Our very own Jyoti (Elizabeth Yates) is Joyously Excited to share Laughter Yoga, a wonderful method of laughter exercise combined with yogic breathing techniques.  Scientific studies have proven the body doesn't know the difference between voluntary laughter and real laugher, we receive all the beneficial brain chemicals, dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins. You've heard before "Laughter is the best Medicine." LAUGH with us and practice laughter as exercise!

Come and celebrate World Laughter Day at the Vedanta Center of Atlanta at 1:00 pm. BRING A CHAIR IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SIT.  This event will be held outdoors.

Elizabeth Yates, M. S., C-IAYT
Yoga With Heart
Structural Yoga Therapist

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