Vedanta Center of Atlanta: February events

Vedanta Center of Atlanta: February events
10:30am-11am: silent meditation in the Chapel before each Sunday’s talk.
11am-noon: talk and worship in the chapel.
noon-1:30pm: devotees and friends meet in the Monastery for tea, coffee, snacks and a continuation of our spiritual fellowship.
Please join us!
PS: Please be on time. The service starts promptly at 11AM.
Venue: 2331 Brockett Rd, Tucker, GA 30084
Contact: (770) 938-6673 ;,
See Calendar for details about any particular Sunday.
Note: There is silent meditation in the Chapel from 10:30-11am, before each Sunday’s talk. After the talk, devotees and friends meet in the Monastery from noon to 1:30pm, for tea, coffee, snacks and a continuation of our spiritual fellowship.
Spiritual talks and classes are open to the public and free of charge.
We start this month with study of Bhakti Yoga. As a bhakti yogi, you establish a devotional relationship with God through study, prayer, ritual, and worship. You practice giving every action, thought, emotion, perception and tendency “a Godward turn.” All your energies and attributes, both positive and negative, are offered to the Divine Presence. Your prayer is for self-surrender, union with your Belovèd.
Feb. 2, 9-10am (Sat)
Chandi Hymns in Sanskrit.
Feb. 3 @ 11am (Sun)
Talk: The Equations of Maya!
w/Br. Shankara
February will be a month for the study of Bhakti Yoga. In that context, we’ll discuss why astrophysicist John Dobson concluded that the mathematics of modern physics proves the illusory nature of our perceived reality (identify JD).
John Dobson — astronomer, student of human history, and Vedanta philosopher — wrote:
“Modern cosmologists usually take non-existence for granted and hope to get the Universe out of nothing. But must we assume that in the absence of the Universe and in the absence of space and time there would be nothing? Or can we, without so rash an assumption, find clues to what might remain if instead we take existence for granted but leave out space and time? Could what remains, through apparition or maya, appear as this Universe? Can we, from what remains, get a Universe of gravity, electricity and inertia?”
If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.” — Albert Einstein
Dobson was a master of explaining Advaita Vedanta simply. On Sunday morning we will explore and discuss his detailed, yet very clear descriptions of how Brahman appears to us as this Universe.
“There cannot be two existences, only one.”
— Swami Vivekananda
Feb. 8 @ 10-10:30am (Sat)
Chandi Hymns in English.
Feb. 9 @ 10am-2pm (Sat)
Seva Saturday for February.
Let’s have a great turnout again, as we did for this month! So much needed work gets done when you show up! We need your commitment to our success! Come and stay as long as you can; a delicious lunch will be served at 12:30pm.
Feb. 10 @ 11am (Sun)
Talk: Decoding the Chandi
w/Swami Harinamanandaji
An 1-1/2 hour long PowerPoint presentation that explains the four episodes in great detail. Please come for the Swami’s talk, then stay for the reception and catered lunch that follows.
We will take a journey into the popular text, the Devi Mahatmyam-The Glory of the Goddess, go through the three stories of the Chandi, discover their meaning and understand the importance within our own lives as spiritual aspirants. Reading and understanding the Glories of the Divine Mother, is a great spiritual practice, which can awaken and illumine our own inner consciousness and give us strength to face the inevitable obstacles of life.
Feb. 17 @ 11am (Sun)
Swami Brahmananda's Birthday Celebration
Followed by a potluck prasad lunch in the Monastery.
Shrine decoration begins at 10am, followed by a short talk and the worship at 11am, then our potluck prasad lunch at 12:30pm. If you are bringing food to offer, please have it here no later than 11am! As always, we need you to volunteer — you can help with puja prep, or serve in the kitchen. Puja assistants, please be here by 9:30am; kitchen people by 10:30am.
Feb. 24 @ 11am (Sun)
Talk: Chaitanya’s Prayer: The Perfect Primer
w/ Br. Shankara
Chaitanya’s Prayer, as interpreted by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, is recited here during morning Arati. It is also heard in the temples, convents, and monasteries of the Vedanta Society of Southern California, at Vivekananda Retreat Ridgely, and other Vedanta centers in the U.S.
This prayer brings the practice, goal, and results of chanting the Divine name into sharp focus in about three minutes. It is therefore a primer in the truest sense of the word. The prayer’s tone and language are intense; it can be thought of as one of the most beautiful love songs ever written.
Chaitanya calls forth the heart’s bliss, instructs the mind in how to overcome obstacles, and, in the voice of a spiritually awakening heart and soul, speaks lovingly and directly to the Divine within.
Br. Shankara will explore the prayer and its teachings in detail. This will include some discussion of Sri Chaitanya himself, and the high regard in which the saint was held by Sri Ramakrishna and Holy Mother.