Vedanta Center of Atlanta: ​​​March events

3/25/2018 10:30 AM

Vedanta Center of Atlanta: ​​​March events

Vedanta Center of Atlanta: ​​​March events

10:30am-11am: silent meditation in the Chapel before each Sunday’s talk.
11am-noon: talk and worship in the chapel.
noon-1:30pm: devotees and friends meet in the Monastery for tea, coffee, snacks and a continuation of our spiritual fellowship.
Please join us!
PS: Please be on time. The service starts promptly at 11AM.
Venue: 2331 Brockett Rd, Tucker, GA 30084
Contact: (770) 938-6673 ;,
See Calendar for details about any particular Sunday.

Normally, March would be a month for our regular study of Raja Yoga. However, we’ll do something quite different: Our congregation will study, together, a truly remarkable short book by Swami Ranganathananda — Divine Grace. What fun! As we did our reading in Divine Grace this week,* we heard the Swami begin to explain a deep spiritual truth: to become fully human is to become fully divine. Based on a talk given in Perth, Australia in 1978, Divine Grace is a commentary on Bhagavad Gita. The Swami said, “That great book expounds a complete philosophy of life; and the more we understand it, the more we get an insight into, and grasp on, this complex phenomenon called human life …
“Spiritual life, according to Vedanta, … covers the whole range of man’s life, including its so-called worldly stage, when man is the sole and supreme agent of his life with no partner called God.”
According to Ranganathanandaji, the Gita’s first lesson for us is: “Gain physical and mental strength; develop your talents and capacities and work-efficiency; gain self-confidence, practice self-reliance; and earn knowledge and wealth by hard honest labour; and share your wealth and happiness with others and earn their good-will and appreciation. All this is part and parcel of the spiritual training of man in the early stages …”


Saturday, March 3, 2018, 9-10am
Group Chanting: Devi Mahatmyam (Chandi)
In his latest book, Navigating Spiritual Dimensions, author Steven J. Gold suggests how we might please the Divine Feminine: “Just give with tenderness and don't look for anything.”
What better way to build a relationship with the Divine than to call on her tenderly with words of praise from Devi Mahatmyam? The practice of chanting verses from Chandi on Tuesday and Saturday has been encouraged by Swami Sarvadevanandaji. All are welcome, and no prior experience is necessary. Led by Rita Bhandarkar Mathew.
March ​4, 11am-noon
Open Forum: Divine Grace (Swami Ranganatananda)
Reading Assignment #1 Discussion
w/Br. Shankara

Please join us this coming Sunday morning! We will hold an Open Forum for discussion of these and other ideas in the first 19 pages of Divine Grace. Br. Shankara will not give a talk, but will serve as moderator for our conversation. Your comments and questions will be most welcome!
*Your free copy of Divine Grace is available in the Chapel, at the Center. The reading assignment for this week is page 1 through the top of page 19 (Sections 1 – 12).

March 10, 10am-2pm
Seva Saturday - Seva means serving in the fellowship of volunteers or Karma Yogis! Please join us for gardening, cleaning, organizing, lunch, and lots of camaraderie. It's not necessary for you to stay the entire time... come and join us for as long as you can. Lunch will be served at noon (Mellow Mushroom pizza).

March 11, 11am-noon
Book Presentation: DIMENSIONS: Navigating the Spiritual Spectrum
and Catered Lunch
by Stephen J. Gold
Steve Gold, founder and director of Torah-Veda, will talk with us about his new book, then invite us to join him for a catered lunch in the Monastery.
DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME STARTS TODAY: set your clocks ahead one hour Saturday night!

March 18, 11am-noon
Open Forum: Divine Grace (Swami Ranganatananda)
Reading Assignment #2 Discussion
w/Br. Shankara
We will hold an Open Forum for discussion of these and other ideas in Sections 13 - 17 (pages 19 - 30) of Divine Grace. Br. Shankara will not give a talk, but will serve as moderator for our conversation. Your comments and questions will be most welcome!
*Your free copy of Divine Grace is available in the Chapel, at the Center. The reading assignment for our 2nd open forum discussion is Sections 13 - 17 (pages 19 - 30).

March 25, 11am-noon
Open Forum: Divine Grace (Swami Ranganatananda)
Reading Assignment #3 Discussion
w/Br. Shankara
Sections 18 - 20 (pages 31 - 59) of Divine Grace. Br. Shankara will not give a talk, but will serve as moderator for our conversation. Your comments and questions will be most welcome!

April 1, 11am-noon
Easter Service: Short talk by Br. Shankara on “Christ the Refuge,” and a short worship
12:15pm-2pm – Potluck Prasad Lunch

April 8, 11am-noon
Talk: My Approach to Vedanta
w/Patrick Horn

April 15, 11am-noon
Open Forum: Divine Grace (Swami Ranganatananda)
Reading Assignment #4 Discussion
w/Br. Shankara

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