Vedanta Center of Atlanta: August events

8/31/2014 10:30 AM

Vedanta Center of Atlanta: August events

Time: There is silent meditation in the Chapel from 10:30-11am, before each Sunday’s talk. After the talk, devotees and friends meet in the Monastery from noon to 1:30pm, for tea, coffee, snacks and a continuation of our spiritual fellowship. Please join us! 
PS: Please be on time. The service starts promptly at 11AM.
Venue: 2331 Brockett Rd, Tucker, GA 30084
Contact: (770) 938-6673 ;,

Sun, Aug 17th, 11am

Open Forum: Discussion of Two Inspiring (short) Videos.

During our final member-facilitated Sunday Open Forums (Br. Shankara will be back from his break and speak again on August 31st), we will be discussing a couple of short videos recommended by several members at last week's forum. Please take a few minutes to watch these videos, and we will discuss them on Sunday. (The videos are on our website homepage here:

Sun, Aug 17th, 4pm

Sacred Song Circle, in the Chapel  CANCELLED THIS TIME

Please come, if you like to sing or play music that lifts the soul, or if you just like to listen. No formality — the Circle is not for “performance.” It’s for the sheer enjoyment of offering music to the Divine, in yourself and in others. You are also welcome to just come and listen.

Sun, Aug 24th, 11am

"Reflection on Mahavakyas--Path to Self Realization"
with Swami Bodhananda

Sri Sankaracharya picked four great statements from Upanishads for serious study and reflection by seekers of Truth. Swami Bodhannada expounds the inner meaning of these Mahavakyas (The Great Sayings) in a simple style for students of Vedanta.

Swami BodhanandaSwami Bodhananda is a speaker with a keen sense of observation. His knowledge of Vedanta is flawless and is acclaimed for his adaptive rendering of ancient Vedantic wisdom to the modern individual's needs and circumstances, helping people apply spiritual principles and practices to their immediate environment.

In America, Swamiji has given numerous public forums, lectures and meditation sessions in Hindu temples, Christian churches, libraries, homes, businesses and universities. His theme has been to infuse modern society with spiritual values and the individual with the knowledge of his/her spiritual identity. 

A master of meditation, Swamiji adeptly blends his personal experience and knowledge of India's ancient wisdom tradition with modern studies in consciousness and psychology. Swamiji exemplifies the highest Vedantic ideals- outwardly active in the world while remaining inwardly detached.

This Sunday, August 31, at 11:00am
“Thou Shining, Everything Shines” – Br. Shankara


VCA shrine photos with incense

Vedanta Center Shrine decorated for a special worship service (puja).

“There the sun shines not, nor the moon and stars, nor does the lightning illumine, much less this earthly fire. He alone shining, everything shines after him. By his light all this universe shines!”


This ecstatic affirmation is from the Svetasvatara Upanishad, Ch. 6:14. Yet, for us as spiritual aspirants, that quote could quite naturally bring this response:

“Well, that’s a beautiful verse, but if I’m honest, I can’t say I understand it. Is it really possible for me to get from where I am now — a seemingly isolated individual, making my way forward from day to day as best I can — to share in Svetasvatara’s realization of this Glorious Truth that unifies all experience in shining bliss?”

Great Teachers — in a series of stupendous promises — say Yes you certainly can. That will be Br. Shankara’s subject on Sunday.


Classes & Activities for the Month of August


Silent Meditation, 10:30-11am 

Talk or Open Forum, 11am-12pm
Please see our website Calendar for details for specific Sundays.

Coffee, Tea and Continuing Fellowship, 12-1:30pm
Coffee, tea, snacks and continuing fellowship, following the forum, in the Monastery. Please join us!
Daily except Sundays, 6-7pm
In the Chapel. Arati worship and silent meditation.
The class schedule for the Month of August is as follows:

For more information about these classes please visit our Classes & Activities FAQpage.

Sunday, August 17th, 4-6pm


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