White House Summit on AAPIs

Registration is at Capacity
You will be added to a priority waitlist. Due to a high level of interest, we have currently reached capacity for the Summit and will make every effort to accommodate individuals on the waitlist, especially community leaders coming from outside the Washington, DC area. We will let you know as soon as possible if we are able to confirm your participation. Thank you for your patience. For questions or concerns, please emailwhitehouseaapi@ed.gov.
Please click here to register.
Please save the date for the White House Summit on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders on May 12, 2015 in Washington, DC.
Save the Date: White House Summit on AAPIs on May 12, 2015
WHIAAPI is pleased to invite you to the White House Summit on AAPIs on Tuesday, May 12, 2015, in Washington, DC. The Summit will feature engaging panels, workshops, and armchair dialogues with senior Administration officials, AAPI celebrities, and well-known community leaders, plus performances by distinguished AAPI artists. The Summit will inspire participants to continue to build upon the legacy, strength, and influence of the AAPI community, especially in the final years of the Obama Administration. The Summit is part of a series of events on May 11-15 during AAPI Heritage Month in Washington, DC, and provides a unique forum to actively engage with hundreds of AAPI leaders from across the nation. Previous AAPI Heritage Month speakers have included President Obama at the 2013 White House Celebration and Vice President Biden at the 2014 Opening Ceremony. Stay tuned for details on the program in the coming months, but please visit our Summit webpage and subscribe to our weekly newsletter to receive updates. For questions, please emailwhitehouseaapi@ed.gov.