Whiteness: The Meaning of a Racial, Social, and Legal Construct

11/16/2017 7:00 PM

Whiteness: The Meaning of a Racial, Social, and Legal Construct
Whiteness: The Meaning of a Racial, Social, and Legal Construct (Public Dialogue Series)THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2017, 7 – 8:30PM EST
Whiteness: The Meaning of a Racial, Social and Legal Construct (Public Dialogue Series)
Location The Jimmy Carter Library, Museum Theater, 441 Freedom Parkway, Atlanta, GA 30307
School Emory College
Department/Organization Carter Center, James Weldon Johnson Institute for the Study of Race and Difference, The Carter Center
Building/Room Carter Center- The
Meeting Organizer/Sponsor James Weldon Johnson Institute for the Study of Race and Difference
Speaker/Presenter Various
Cost Free
Registration / R.S.V.P. link www.eventbrite.com…
Contact Name Anita Spencer Stevens
Contact Email jwji@emory.edu
More Info / Register jamesweldonjohnson.emory.edu…

In the wake of Donald Trump’s election and bestselling books like Hillbilly Elegy and White Trash, there is a growing realization that whiteness is as much a social racial and political identity as being African, Latinx, Asian or Native American. In partnership with the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum, JWJI is pleased to host a panel on the evolution of whiteness in American society. Our esteemed panel brings their interdisciplinary perspective to the panel to explain why race—including whiteness—still matters in America.


Video of the program: https://youtu.be/mWsvx-ZakBQ

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