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Corporate Leadership Luncheon Held to Herald Charitable Walk

October 2003
Corporate Leadership Luncheon Held to Herald Charitable Walk

With "Water for Life" being this year's theme for the Partnership Walk, it carries a promise not only of an entertaining family event, but more importantly, of a noble and urgent social cause.


Aga Khan Foundation U.S.A. sponsored a Corporate Leadership Luncheon on September 16 in support of Partnership Walk 2003, a national event that brings together people from all walks of life to raise awareness and funds in support of partnerships that promote solutions for ending global poverty.

The 260 guests at the Corporate Leadership Luncheon gathered to lend their support for the work of Aga Khan Foundation U.S.A. (AKF USA) and learn how Americans can take an active role in forging partnerships at home and abroad to build a safer, more peaceful and prosperous future for all. Addressing the audience of corporate and civic leaders as well as representatives from the local and national media, the keynote speaker, Senator Tom Price, Majority Leader in the Georgia State Senate, stressed the importance of building global partnerships. As a physician, Dr. Price raised an example in health care, noting, "from a disease standpoint, the world is very small and it is getting smaller as the global transmission of disease can be extremely rapid. For example, SARS was a validation of that. Global health care partnerships are absolutely mandatory if we are to gain ground in improving worldwide health and health in our own backyard."

Guest of honor, Senator Liane Levetan of the Georgia General Assembly underscored the need for citizens to take responsibility in activating global change. "Building partnerships is a critical component of addressing the development challenges of our day and Aga Khan Foundation U.S.A. has really and truly forged some long-term relationships. This organization is a true inspiration."

AKF USA is a non-denominational, non-profit agency committed to the struggle against hunger, disease and illiteracy, primarily in Africa and Asia. The Foundation supports innovative community approaches to meeting basic human needs, mainly in the areas of health, education, rural development and community development.

The Partnership Walk is an initiative of AKF USA and organized by its hundreds of volunteers spread across American communities. One hundred percent of the funds raised at the Partnership Walk go directly to the projects supported by the Foundation. The only walk in the U.S. focused on international development, it will be held in Atlanta, Chicago Dallas, Houston, and Los Angeles. The Partnership Walk is a day of entertainment, learning and fun for the whole family.

In conjunction with the United Nations International Year of FreshWater, the theme of this year's Walk is "Water for Life" to highlight the critical need of preserving and managing the world's finite supply of freshwater. One of the Walk's most inspiring features is the Village in Action where displays, interactive exhibits and educational games showcase the positive results that are achieved in the Foundation's development projects.

Following the walk in downtown Atlanta, the walkers will be treated to a free picnic lunch followed by an entertainment program celebrating world cultures. Other features include a silent auction, and awards to teams and individuals that raise high-level contributions. It is expected that 6,000 will participate at this year's Atlanta Partnership Walk, to be held on October 19 at Centennial Olympic Park. For more information, visit or call 770-908-WALK.

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