Huge Turnout at the 34th SAI Health Fair

Atlanta Rotarians Shiv Aggarwal and Ravi Chander at the Sai Health Fair in Global Mall. (Photo: Mahadev Desai)
Despite the cold and rainy weather, the 34rd Sai Health Fair at Ashiana in the Global Mall, Norcross, Georgia, on Saturday, October 3, 2015, elicited a very good response with an attendance of over 300 participants. The fair was organized by Dr. Sujatha Reddy as a tribute to the life and legacy of Mahatma Gandhi and also to promote his and Dr. Martin Luther King’s philosophies of nonviolence, community service, and social justice. The event was sponsored by the Emory Druid Hills Rotary Club, and strongly supported by physicians, Georgia Indian Nurses Association (GINA), health care professionals, and volunteers.
People from all over Atlanta availed themselves of the free consultancy services provided by over 25 dedicated physicians representing 12 specialties, supported by over 15 nurses and technicians and 25 service-oriented volunteers who attended to the various health related concerns of the people after they registered for blood tests, free EKGs, free glaucoma and vision screenings, preventive cardiology tests, free bone density tests to detect osteoporosis, and free Consultancy in internal medicine, family medicine, gynecology, cardiology, dentistry, endocrinology, gastroenterology, opthalmology, orthopedics, nephrology/hypertension, dermatology, etc.
Vision screening by Dr. Samir Vera. (Photo: Mahadev Desai)
Over 90 EKGs were carried out by Commerce Cardiology Group and by Gwinnett Heart Specialists. Dr. Samir Vera from Milan Eye Center and Dr. Indira Menon carried out over 36 glaucoma and vision screening tests. Over 50 vascular screenings were performed by Dr. Saleem Boghani. Out of these, 50% were reported as abnormal. Pramila Dupahre, MS, RD, a registered Dietician/Nutritionist was consulted by over ten patients. More than 49 bone mineral density tests were performed by a team of Madhusudhana Reddy and Janet Augustine, R.N., under the supervision of Dr. Sujatha Reddy. Out of these 50% were abnormal. Stroke risk factor education was provided by Mini Jacobs from GINA.
Performing bloodwork. (Photo: Mahadev Desai)
Over 150 cost-effective, basic quality comprehensive chemistry profile of blood tests with HbA1c were carried out at a nominal fee of $25. The lab work was provided by SYMED LLC in Tucker. It is noteworthy that the results of the blood work are mailed within two weeks! The test results help to identify some life threatening results which are immediately notified to the participants.
Snacks, fruits, and drinks were provided to all the participants, and a delicious lunch to all the doctors, technicians, and volunteers by SAI Health Fair. Lunch was catered by Garuda Vilas Restaurant. Publicity and coverage was provided by Atlanta’s digital and print media, Khabar, NRIPulse, Atlanta Dunia, India Tribune, and Rashtra Darpan. Vinod Devlia helped with photography services.
GINA participants with Dr. Sreeni, Dr. Sujatha Reddy, and Ravi Chander. (Photo: Mahadev Desai)
GINA’s President Lilly Anickat lauded Dr. Sujatha and said, “Ten GINA volunteers helped in registration, phlebotomy and lab works, EKG, bone density scanning, checking vital signs, health promotion, and disease prevention educational activities, etc. The stroke education led by Mini Jacob and team was able to heighten public awareness of the importance of stroke prevention, risk factors and its management, warning signs, what to do in an emergency situation, treatments, and patient/family resources.” Stroke is a leading cause of death in the U.S., and time is critical in preventing long term damage, so people need to know to take the patient to the hospital immediately. “Being part of this event have given me so much pleasure and satisfaction,” said Jecy Mathew, secretary of GINA. Mary Jose, ex-President and Advisory Board Chair of GINA, also thanked Dr. Sujatha Reddy.
Dr. Sreeni Gangasani with a patient. (Photo: Vinod Devlia)
Cardiologist Dr. Sreeni Gangasani said, “It’s always a privilege and joy serving the community, especially the uninsured or underinsured people whether in the GAPI volunteer clinic or health fairs. GAPI appreciates the excellent work done by Dr. Sujatha Reddy through SAI health fairs on a regular basis in metro Atlanta. She also helps in the GAPI free clinic which is open in Global Mall on 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month from 1pm to 4pm. The services include dentist consultation, lab work at minimal cost; discounted rate for medications and flu shots (in season), and referrals to specialists at discounted rates. We wish to help more people in future with these programs.”
Dr. Reddy thanked owner/CEO of Global Mall Shiv Aggarwal, Rotary Club president Shiv Aggarwal, and Ashiana’s Zahid for providing accommodation at Global Mall. She further thanked GINA officers; Rotary Club’s members Ravi Chander, Mustafa Ajmeri, and Ravi Ponangi; and all sponsors and volunteers who together helped make the SAI Health Fair a big success.
Physicians, nurses, and volunteers at the SHF. (Photo: Vinod Devlia)
[The article above appears only on the website for December 2015, not in the December print/digital issues.]
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