ISKCON’s Ratha Yatra Festival enlivens Centennial Park

Between 5-7000 spectators watched the ISKCON 2014 Festival of Chariots parade in downtown Atlanta on June 7th. Over 1,000 devotees participated in the Ratha Yatra, which was flagged off by Deputy Council General of India, Mr. Ashok Kumar.
The Festival of Chariots, also known as Lord Jagannath Ratha Yatra, has been performed at the spiritual seaside resort of Puri, India for more than two thousand years. This year for the first time in the history of Atlanta Panihati Dham’s Ratha Yatra, folks from other cultures danced for Lord Jagannath. Over 40 vendors made the festival more colorful, and a great entertainment package was put together by the youth team led by Chitralekha, Purna Chandra, and Ranga devi dasi. The Atlanta festival also included a Panihati Chip Rice Festival. Visitors commented that it was the best festival they had attended and compared it to the likes of New York.
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Hare Krishna Temple devotees, 404-377-8680
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