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Muslim women arrange informative health fair

By Saima Ahmad
April 2012
Muslim women arrange informative health fair

Left: Studio 13 was among the several health and wellness professional organizations making presentations at the Ahmadiyya Health Fair.

Below: Millennium Health, Fusion Sleep, Illuminations Spa. (Photos: Mehwish Pall)

Last year the moderate and oldest Muslim organization in the U.S., the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (AMC) ran a nationwide ‘Muslims for Life’ campaign with a goal to collect 10,000 units of blood for 9/11 victims. The women’s auxiliary has been in the forefront of community service here in the U.S. as well as countries around the world by donating food and clothing for the needy, raising funds to help disaster victims here and abroad, as well as holding interfaith events.

This year the Women’s auxiliary of AMC, GA Chapter organized its first health fair for the local community. The event was held at the Ocee Library in Johns Creek on March 3rd. Organizers and exhibitors presented a comfortable and friendly atmosphere where the public could meet health and wellness professionals and get useful information at no cost to them. 147 participants attended during the four hour period. Exhibitors represented holistic medicine, personal fitness training, acupunture, isometric exercise technology, chiropractic, homeopathy, reflexology, reiki, light therapy, dietetics, sleep, massage, and exercise.


Each of the ten exhibitors gave five minute presentations, screenings, demos and giveaways, and answered questions from the visitors regarding their health. Some even scheduled appointments on the spot.

Representing holistic medicine, Dr. Tony Meade and his staff from Renew Health gave out chiropractic care information, and people got to have personal meetings with him on how chiropractic can cater to their individual needs.

Personal trainer Misty from Fitness Together talked about her services and how she could help people shape up for the summer and for life. She provided free BMI and Body Fat Index screenings.


Dr. Kang and his staff from Sun Acupuncture demonstrated cupping techniques and spoke about the usefulness of the ancient techniques of acupuncture.

Alexander Simmons from WholeBody Systems has a strength and wellness program that uses the latest in isometric exercise technology, bioDensity, which helps increase bone density and muscle mass.

The stall for Millennium Health brought perhaps the biggest range of health professionals: Dr. Mike Greenberg (Chiropractor & Allergy), Dr. Nadya Dhanani (Homeopathy), Dr. Brad Gould (Family Practice), and Liz Magnum (Reflexology and Reiki). Useful information about Avalon Light Technology was also given out.


Dietitian Betsy Thurston presented valuable information on how to improve family health by making smart choices without the need of specific diet plans. She shared some wonderful healthy recipes.

Dr. Ghazala Qureshi and her staff of Fusion Sleep took the time to educate visitors about how they can help with insomnia.

Durinda Daniely from Illuminations Spa won the best exhibitor award, a fruit gift basket, for her wonderful hand/arm massages. Hers was the most visited stall of all the exhibitors. Her other specialty was Reflexology.

Ally and Risa spoke on the range of classes offered at Studio 13 Fitness, from those designed for kids to those geared towards the adults.

And last but not least, the hosts arranged a stall with activities for children, such as coloring, jumping hoops, and sit-ups. But what the kids really enjoyed the most was face painting.

Surveys indicated that the event was a success. Feedback was encouraging, and suggestions were made for next time: a larger venue space, bone density test, cholesterol test, information on diabetes, and refreshments. A couple of prospective exhibitors even stopped by to arrange their participation next time.

Each exhibitor was given a certificate, and door prizes were announced by coordinator Rehana Khan and auxiliary president Mahmooda Rehman. The door prize from Illuminations Spa, a gift certificate for one hour massage was won by Tammy Meyer of Johns Creek. Usha Mochurla became the winner of a free consultation gift certificate from Sun Acupuncture, and Rehman won the free kit of holistic products from Millennium Healthcare.

The event was covered by a reporter from Johns Creek Herald and also by Atlanta Journal Constitution for their ‘Photos of the Week’ section. The organizers are planning to continue on a yearly basis and serve even more people.

Rehman conveyed her gratitude with a request to ponder these famous words by Albert Pike: “What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.”

Website Bonus Feature

[Full-text article appears online above, abridged article in print and digital issues.]




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