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Sant Nirankari Mission sponsors free health seminar

Harleen Nayyar
May 2016
Sant Nirankari Mission sponsors free health seminar

Sant Nirankari Mission (SNM), Atlanta Branchorganized a two-day free health seminar at Sant Nirankari Bhawan in Buford on March 19, 2016 and at Grand Plaza Senior Citizen Program Inc. on March 20, 2016. Dr. Harpreet Singh from Michigan, founder andCEO of iCrush and Vital Checklist along with Dr.Dinesh Kumar, General Surgeon from ChristianMedical College & Hospital, India discussed heal-thy living. The two different locations had two different audiences, but everyone was eager to learn about nutrition, hypertension, diabetes, weight loss, and other options to losing weight.

The seminar focused on teaching how to readnutrition labels. Diet modifications were also discussed to control high blood pressure, blood sugar, weight reduction, and high cholesterol. Lifestylemodifications and healthy choices for lunch and snacks were suggested.

Dr. Kumar made a presentation on Bariatric Surgeries and emphasized the growing obesity crisis, which is causing a plethora of life threatening problems. He went over the facts of obesity andinformed the audience that according to the Journalof American Medicine (JAMA), more than one-third (34.9%) of U.S. adults are obese. He stated that the main culprits of joint problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, and many cancers are related to obesity.

Following the seminar, many asked personal health questions and discussed among themselves the changes they will be making.


Sant Nirankari Mission (SNM) has continuously promoted healthy lifestyle and free health treatments all around the world. Along with spirituality and spreading the message of oneness by building bridges among people and creating awareness ofhumanness, health seminars help those who might have insufficient insurance or high deductibles that prevent them from going to a physician on a regular basis, which in return affects their health negatively.

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