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Seminar Reveals Revolutionary Secrets of Leadership and Management

March 2005
Seminar Reveals Revolutionary Secrets of Leadership and Management

When it comes to executive leadership and business growth, there is a wide abyss between perception and reality. For example, flamboyant executives such as Lee Iacocca (of Chrysler fame) are widely perceived as effective leaders that turned around their company and or industry. Yet, as per the definition of a "Level 5 leader", the truth may be far from it.

This was the theme of a February 20th seminar featuring a talk by Atlanta's highly visible productivity and business coach, Mohan Kapur. Sponsored by Georgia Indo-American Chamber of Commerce (GIACC), Horizon Bank, Khabar Magazine, Global Mall and Wireless Access Systems, the seminar, held at the Global Mall attracted close to 100 executives, entrepreneurs and small business owners.

Ash Thakker, President GIACC, welcomed the guests and shared highlights of the Chamber that, he said, links Georgia with India, which is poised to soon becoming the 4th largest global economy.

Kapur, who is known not to mince words, but shoot straight about "what matters most", has excelled in the "change oneself to change the outcome" business for over thirty years. He has had more than eighteen hundred consulting engagements with over three hundred diversified companies.

The focus for the talk of the day was myths about excellence. Anchoring his talk around a monumental book, "Good to Great" by Jim Collins, Kapur revealed that great leaders do not lead by threat, intimidation or by being overbearing. They are influenced not by what "I can do" but what "we can do".

A "great" leader is one who has, through lifelong metamophosis, attained all of the following: Level 1: A highly capable individual. Level 2: A significant contributing team member. Level 3: A very competent manager. Level 4: An effective leader. While all preceding levels are critical, it is level 5 that makes all the difference. A Level 5 leader is one who is able to build enduring greatness through a paradoxical combination of personal humility and a rock-like professional will.

Kapur also spoke briefly of the "hedgehog" concept, a combination of three variables that enables leaders to introspectively analyze the most effective areas of growth for their companies. They are: (1) What are you passionate about? (2) What can you be best in the world at? (3) What drives your economic engine?

Simply put, it is the "awareness" that fuels the "planning and development" leading to "results". What is this awareness? It is a summation of Involvement plus (Feedback times Context) and it is precisely this constant search that keeps CEO's awake at night!

The afternoon ended with an intensive session of questions from the audience that were addressed by the speaker.

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