“I was born and raised in New Jersey. To see the word ‘deport’ on my picture ... really it’s just outrageous.”
– Falguni Patel, who was elected to the school board in Edison Township, New Jersey, despite being attacked by racist campaign mailers. The mailers, distributed anonymously, urged voters to “Make Edison Great Again” and displayed “deport” stamps on photos of Patel and fellow school board candidate Jerry Shi. (Associated Press)
“Even yesterday, so many
people were showing me love
at our (book launch) reception.
I was so grateful and feeling so
blessed, but at the same time,
I was like, this is so confusing.
Poetry? Really?”
– Rupi Kaur, Indo-Canadian author of
two books of poetry, who has gained millions of fans
by sharing her poetry on Instagram. (Los Angeles Times)
“As the only woman on the dais, it was incredibly disturbing to see Republican men attempt to strip away my constitutional rights and privacy of women.”
– Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, who was the only woman invited to speak on a House subcommittee debating a bill that would determine when it is valid to get an abortion. (Bustle)
“I feel so happy in dancing”
– Hema Ramaswamy of Middletown, New Jersey, a 23-year-old Bharatanatyam dancer who achieved her arangetram performance, despite having Down’s Syndrome and other health challenges. (NPR)
“I want to write about the queer community because I am part of it, and queer literature helped me when I needed help. I want to pay it forward and help someone else.”
– Sri Lankan American author S. J. Sindu, whose debut novel Marriage of a Thousand Lies was published in June. (Daily Nebraskan)
“Whether it’s the Hispanic community,
whether it’s the African-American community,
the East Asian community, we have
to come together. And don’t let people try to
tell us there’s not enough of the pie. You can
always make a bigger pie.”
– Shanti Narra, member of the Board of Chosen Freeholders in
Middlesex County, New Jersey, urging South Asians to
have a voice in their communities. (New York Times )
Compiled and partly written by Indian humorist MELVIN DURAI, author of the novel Bala Takes the Plunge.
[Comments? Contributions? Please email us at melvin@melvindurai.com. We welcome jokes, quotes, online clips, and more.]
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