Home > Magazine > ChaiTime > SAY NO TO PLASTIC
In an article titled “Five Habits of Highly Annoying Indians” at FirstPost.com, Lakshmi Chaudhry rails against Indians who wear nighties in public, are constantly in a hurry, have no qualms about disturbing others with their cell phone conversations, dye their hair in unnatural colors, and have an affinity with plastic. Of the latter, she writes that Indians love to keep their living room furniture and new car seats covered in plastic – and also have kitchen drawers stuffed with yellowing plastic forks and spoons.
“Cheap plastic flatware leaches chemicals and never can be fully cleaned,” she writes. “And the next time the delivery guy tries to give you a handful, just say no!”
But if she’s going to criticize Indians about plastic, perhaps she should also praise them: They may be keeping their new sofa in plastic, but chances are, they didn’t buy it with plastic.
Compiled and partly written by Indian humorist MELVIN DURAI, author of the novel Bala Takes the Plunge.
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November 2011

“Cheap plastic flatware leaches chemicals and never can be fully cleaned,” she writes. “And the next time the delivery guy tries to give you a handful, just say no!”
But if she’s going to criticize Indians about plastic, perhaps she should also praise them: They may be keeping their new sofa in plastic, but chances are, they didn’t buy it with plastic.
Compiled and partly written by Indian humorist MELVIN DURAI, author of the novel Bala Takes the Plunge.
[Comments? Contributions? We would love to hear from you about Chai Time. If you have contributions, please email us at melvin@melvindurai.com. We welcome jokes, quotes, online clips and more.]
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