Eighth grader is Georgia spelling bee champ

Monisha Mahadevan receives her trophy from Richard McIntyre, GAE Spelling Bee Chairman.
The 2015 Georgia State Spelling Bee was conducted by Georgia Association of Educators (GAE) at Georgia State University on March 20. Monisha (Mona) Mahadevan of Dunwoody, an 8th grader at Woodward Academy, became state champion, winning $1000 and various prizes. She will represent Georgia at the Scripps Spelling Bee in Washington D.C. from May 26 to 28.
About 1300 schools participated with students learning words such as wasteweir, nasturtium, omnilegent, escritoire, quaquaversal, dvandva, incurvariid, and fuliginous. Mona’s winning words were “novillero” and “arboretum.” She is preparing for the nationals by studying roots and language origins of words.
Mona is an avid reader, plays tennis, and learns dance. She competes in policy debate tournaments and Math Counts competitions and is in the leadership student panel.
Website Bonus Feature
Report from the Georgia Association of Educators, including table of Order of Elimination - County, Word, and Round.
Added 5/29/15: "So proud that she made the final 50 spellers [out of the 285 students competing in the 2015 Scripps National Spelling Bee]. That is a great accomplishment in itself." -- Sid Chapman, President of the Georgia Association of Educators.
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