Presidential STEM teaching award for Rajni Sundararaj

Rajni Sundararaj of Georgia is among five Indian Americans who got the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) for outstanding STEM teaching in grades K-12. A science educator for 28 years, she has taught all science subjects at Martha Ellen Stilwell School of the Arts in Jonesboro for the past nine years. Earlier, Sundararaj taught at Therrell High School for four years, Langston Hughes High School for two years, and Westlake High School for a year. She has also had 12 years of teaching experience in India and Saudi Arabia. Sundararaj, who will teach science for English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) in grades 9-12 at South Atlanta High School, uses differentiated instruction, inquirybased lab activities, and creates academically rigorous lessons tailored to individual student needs to promote equity in the classroom.
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