How Indians View America, China, Pakistan

Graph at left shows "Strength of India’s relations with the United States, China, Pakistan"
Source: Lowy Institute
Question: Please say whether you personally think India’s current relationship with each country is strong or weak. And is that very or somewhat?
Indians like the U.S. most among 22 countries, going by the India Poll 2013, a collaboration between the Lowy Institute for International Policy and the Australia India Institute. Moreover, 83 percent of Indians think the Indo-U.S. relationship is strong, and 75 percent want it to get stronger over the next decade. Also, 78 percent feel it would be better if India worked more like the U.S. Nevertheless, 31 percent think the U.S. poses a threat to India. After the U.S., Indians like Singapore, Japan, and Australia in that order.
While 83 percent of Indians see China as a security threat and 65 percent think India should join other nations to limit its influence, 64 percent want India to cooperate with China to play a leading role. And almost as many Indians (63 percent) want a stronger Indo-China relationship. Then there’s the question of Pakistan. Although the likeability rank is low, the majority of Indians (89 percent) feel ordinary people in both nations should seek peace, with 87 percent agreeing that a big improvement in the relationship needs bold leadership on both sides. In fact, 76 percent want India to take the initiative.
When it comes to domestic policies, nothing ranks higher for Indians than social peace and harmony, with 82 percent considering it very important. Other priorities include reducing corruption (78 percent), jobs and healthcare (76 percent), education (74 percent), infrastructure (72 percent), economic growth (71 percent), and protecting democratic rights and the environment (69 percent).
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