Nathan Kondamuri and Nithin Tumma: 'Best of Category' award winners at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair

WHY: Both received ‘Best of Category’ awards at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in Los Angeles. They get $8000 each and there is also a $1000 grant for their schools and the Intel fairs they attended. Nathan focused on energy and transportation, while Nithin’s research was in molecular biology. An India-based contestant, Raghavendra Ramachanderan, was also a recipient of the Intel award.
WORTH knowing: Based on his research of photophosphorylation, Nathan designed a biofuel cell that converts light energy into electrical energy. He hopes to create medically useful devices that can be implanted in the human body. Nithin’s study of a crucial gene associated with the metabolism of carcinogens in the liver gives us a clearer understanding of the link between cancer and diabetes.
WHERE: Nathan, aged 16, will be a senior at Munster High School in Munster, Indiana. Nithin, aged 17, will be a senior at Huron Northern High School in Port Huron, Michigan.
WHAT else: Asteroids were named after both Nathan and Nithin.
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