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From Creation to the Creator

December 2005
From Creation to the Creator

If you love the Creator, if you hold Him as the highest, you hold Him above creation. Seeing Him, being with Him, would be the highest. If, on the other hand,you have no trust in Him, then you talk in terms of existence, of no-mind, and all these things. The moment there is no trust, the whole issue becomes terribly complicated. Then you have to split hairs to do things, simply because love is missing. Trust means unconditional love. It is that kind of love where the other side need not respond. You simply love.

When a person has that kind of love that he does not expect the other side to even respond, it is okay. If God doesn't respond, it is okay. You have firm faith that he is there.

Now look at this and see, we always love those who are not here. With most people it is so, they always love the dead when they are not here anymore. When they were living, you couldn't look them in the face, you were not even on talking terms, but once they are dead you love them. You always love those who are not here, and it is the same thing with God. If he was here with you, if you had to share your food with him, if you had to share your life with him, then you would have had enormous problems with him, but because he is not here now, or at least not in your experience, it is easy to love him.���

Love is not a joy; it is a deep wonderful pain. It is a very deep, tearing, wonderful pain. Something within you should tear; not just something, everything within you should tear. Only then you know what love is. If it feels pleasant, that is not love, it is just convenience. Maybe you felt a little affection. If you have ever loved, everything inside you tears apart, really tears apart. It is painful, but wonderful. That is how it is. When you start feeling like this about everything and everybody, then going beyond your limitations ? physical and mental ? naturally happens by itself. It doesn't happen by trying. If you try to go beyond your physical limitations with effort, you only injure yourself; but when it happens like this, it simply happens, physical limitations are no more limitations.���

Some sage or saint might have talked about loving God, but now that you have a logical mind, a thinking mind, a doubting mind and a questioning mind, don't talk about loving God; it doesn't make any sense. The only reason you have started thinking about God or the Creator is because you have experienced the creation. Before you came, all that you call as creation was there, so you just assumed that somebody must have created it, and you started giving names and forms to that Creator.

So your idea of the Creator has come to you only through the creation. Now you hate the creation, you hate the person sitting next to you, and say that you love God; it doesn't mean anything. It will not lead you anywhere, because if you hate the creation, what business do you have with the one who created all this? Only if you have fallen deeply in love with the creation, then you have something to do with the one who created this. In the name of Divinity, do not forsake your humanity. Let your humanity overflow and the Divine will happen.

It is very significant that Jesus said, "Love thy neighbor." He doesn't mean falling in love with the person next door; he means just loving the one who is next to you right now, this moment, whomever it may be.

You don't know what evil could be happening in his mind; it doesn't matter whether he is good or bad, whether you like him or dislike him - just to love him the way he is. If you do this, then you merge with the creation. Once you merge with the creation, that is the only way to the Creator. Creation is the only way, or the only doorway to the Creator. If you reject the creation, you can't know anything about the Creator. So don't worry about loving God. See if you can bring love into your breath, into your step, into every act that you do, not towards anybody or anything; if you can just bring the longing to merge with everything around you, then creation will lead you on to the Creator.

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