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My Turn: My Unimaginable Healing Journey!

By Zohra Aslam Email By Zohra Aslam
April 2023
My Turn: My Unimaginable Healing Journey!

 [Left] The poor health that had hounded Zohra Aslam since childhood had culminated into a few dozen diseases and ailments. Disability and hopelessness had set in by the time she landed in hospital with stomach cancer.

For the better part of my life, I had been an extremely sick person. I was afflicted with migraines, constipation, chronic sinusitis, acid reflux, heartburn, fatigue, fainting, muscle weakness, nerve pain, vertigo, adrenal fatigue, and a host of neurological symptoms including forgetfulness and brain fog. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, celiac disease, and Lyme disease.

When all of my health woes climaxed into stomach cancer, that resulted in the partial removal of my stomach and removal of my gallbladder, followed by chemotherapy and radiation, I felt my life was over…

I grew up eating the Standard American Diet (SAD): pizza, pasta, bread, dairy, grains, and desserts. Even as a child, my body did not take well to these foods, and I was often sick.

In my twenties, I became health conscious and constantly worked out. At the same time, I didn’t think much about the fact that I was eating a high fat, high protein diet that included processed foods, caffeine, sugar, etc. My body started showing signs of breakdown. Living with a host of chronic illnesses had become my normal.

In my early thirties, I was barely eating. I lived on rushes of adrenaline from coffee. I started experienc-ing stomach pains and soon found out that an ulcer had put a hole through my stomach lining. The final straw was stomach cancer! I felt like I had been given a life sentence.

After partial sto-mach removal and second stomach surgery, followed by chemotherapy and radiation, I wasn’t able to eat for three years. I was placed on IV hydration and nutrition bags. The doctors told me I would have gastroparesis for life, along with symptoms like acid reflux, heartburn, constipation, and malabsorption of nutrients, to name just a few. I was told I wouldn’t be able to eat food again, and would remain underweight for the rest of my life.

Soon after, I started developing other chronic illnesses at the age of 38: fatigue, fainting, muscle weakness, nerve pain, dizziness, adrenal fatigue, a host of neurological symptoms including vertigo, brain fog, forgetfulness, lack of focus, and Lyme Disease.

Since these symptoms are invisible to the naked eye, no one could tell that anything was wrong with me. Externally, I looked perfectly fine; meanwhile, inside, I felt as if I was dying. I was living a life of lies, pretending to be well around everyone in my life. I would push myself to continue going out, working, driving, and pushing myself to do all things that I had been doing previously.

Then one day I had to suddenly quit my job and couldn’t drive anymore because my symptoms had multiplied from a dozen to over a few dozen. I lost my independenceMyTurn_2_04_23.jpg and was bedridden with neurological fatigue for over a year. I had to rely on my husband to help me with most tasks, take me to appointments, and drive me as needed. At this time, I hit my lowest point in life and was desperate to do anything to get an ounce of relief. I was living in survival mode, and I felt fearful, alone, and hopeless.

The miraculous healing power of green juices and a whole foods, plant based diet was one of the main factors responsible for Zohra’s amazing health transformation.










The limits of conventional medicine

We learn to accept what our doctors tell us, no questions asked. They said that my health conditions were due to my genes, but no one in my family has ever had cancer, so why was I the only one? I only knew of conventional treatments at the time, and I trusted my doctors to do what was best for me. I had seen over 40 conventional doctors and specialists up to this point, but no one had any answers and nor did they bother to look into the root cause of my rapidly deteriorating body.

The conventional medicine system, focused as it is only on symptom reversal, knows little and cares little about root causes and cures for chronic degenerative diseases. I also found that the conventional establish-ment was quite pessimistic about the body’s inherent and often miraculous power to reverse an extremely damaged body to good health.

I was told that my body was attacking itself. I didn’t realize at the time that these symptoms were warning signals that my body was sending me. I’ve learned that our bodies don’t attack themselves, that our bodies work hard to protect us from pathogens and poisons. I have learned not to let anyone make me feel broken or to tell me that there are no answers for my illnesses.

It begins by not normalizing sickness; but rather by normalizing healthy and life-changing behaviors. It may mean we act differently from what is considered the norm in our society. It begins by understanding the root cause of our illnesses versus a focus on reducing symptoms. It is this shift in focus that allows us to truly heal.

I have come to realize that the root cause behind most chronic health problems is a combination of poor diet and lifestyle, pathogens, toxic heavy metals, pesticides, and other toxins and radiation. We are exposed to so much of these as the world continues to get more toxic from air fresheners, candles, perfumes, tap water, chemicals, and toxins in our food and clothing.

I took responsibility of my own health!

Unfortunately, we cannot prevent all exposures, so it is our responsibility, no matter the circumstance, to take accountability for ourselves and to become empowered with the correct information that will help us break free from chronic health symptoms. I feel that most people are not truly aware that ultimate health lies not in conventional medicine, but in life-style and diet changes. Sure, we have all heard about the value of diet and lifestyle, but most of us don’t really take it to heart, and find it much easier to throw ourselves at the mercy of modern medicine with its allure of quick symptomatic relief.

If and when one finally realizes that disease reversal and vibrant health lies in their own hands, they don’t know where to begin and can’t sustain the drastic changes that are often required.

In my own journey, I was ready to make the necessary changes and give up anything not beneficial for my body. I was ready to do whatever it took even for the slightest of improvement. I knew that there had to be a way to get my life back, one small step at a time. I started to become my own healing expert and to find my own answers. I took baby steps, and each step led me closer to healing from my many chronic illnesses.



 Zohra enjoying the radiance of good health even as her healing journey continues.


A holistic doctor recommended a functional medicine doctor who specialized in treating viral infections. This was the first doctor who listened to me in depth. It turned out I had pathogens and toxins, including Epstein-Barr Virus, shingles, streptococcus, herpetic viruses, and a combination of toxic heavy metals, and radiation—all causing an overburdened liver.

Go Green

At the same time, I was introduced to the amazing power of celery juice in healing the gut and the liver. Fresh, whole plant-based foods, that don’t come with an ingredient list, became my staple diet. When one eats living foods that are alive with energy, they will have a profound effect on one’s overall well-being.

My advice to others would be to start bringing in more fruits and vegetables to their diet first, before removing anything. It is difficult for people to remove foods that they have long been addicted to. Start by making one change, whether it is bringing in a daily green juice or smoothie, and build consistency and a routine with that one change for a few weeks. Then make another change, replace one of your other meals with a salad three times a week.

When you begin to bring in other healing foods, especially glucose and mineral salts, your body will start letting go of other food addictions and crave the glucose and mineral salts since that is what our brain thrives on.

I was healing through giving my mind, body, and soul nourishing foods, herbs, and supplements for my health conditions.

Transformation is possible!

After almost a year and a half of being on guided anti-viral protocols, eating nourishing foods, and staying off foods that were feeding viruses in my body, I slowly began to see moments of relief. I was, once again, able to do my daily tasks such as cooking and bathing without help, and standing up for longer periods of time. Finally, something was working and I was beginning to thrive. I started to build faith and hope again after a long time.

Healing takes into account many modalities—from the physical, emotional, and psychological to spiritual. It can look different from one individual to the next as we each come from different circumstances.

I have healed from gastroparesis, stomach cancer, acid reflux, heartburn, severe menstrual cramps and heavy flow, chronic sinus infections, hair loss, nutrient absorption, constipation, fullness, weight gain, and migraines thanks to transformational protocols involving a “whole food, plant-based” diet, detoxification of the liver, the gut, and other vital organs.

Along with changing my diet, limiting my exposure to toxic chemicals, stabilizing my blood sugar, and strengthening my adrenals, I have also applied daily meditations, EFT Tapping, Dynamic Neural Retraining System, daily gratitude, prayer, rest, sunshine, nature, lightheartedness, affirmations, breathing techniques, reading, and daily grounding practices to calm my nervous system.

I still have some symptoms that I am healing from, but I have no doubt that I can and will heal. It took me 40+ years to develop all these symptoms, so it will take some time to reverse the damage. Healing is not a quick fix, nor is it linear. Healing involves discomfort, but so does not healing. Over time, not healing is always more painful.

My goal is to become strong enough to be able to ski again, train for long bike rides, and go on long hiking adventures. Such ambitious physical goals were unthinkable just a couple of years back when I thought my life was over!

Living through chronic illness has been one of the most painful, yet the most transformational experiences I have ever lived through. It has led me to finding clarity and purpose, having a connection to faith again, and finding my passion to help others. This journey has also transformed me into the person I once was—full of love, self-compassion, and compassion for others.

Zohra Aslam can be reached at zmindbodysoul.com

DISCLAIMER: This article is simply a narration of one person’s experiences. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professionals prior to undertaking a new healthcare regimen.


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