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Perspective: What's at Stake on November 5?

By Subhojit Roy and Parthiv N. Parekh Email By Subhojit Roy and Parthiv N. Parekh
September 2024
Perspective: What's at Stake on November 5?

The upcoming presidential election is not simply about choosing a conservative or a liberal; it is about protecting America and our planet from an existential threat.

This November, nearly 165 million Americans will determine the next president of the United States. It's awe-inspiring to think that ordinary citizens, without military might, police power, or weapons, hold the power to choose who will occupy the most powerful political office on Earth. With just a few clicks on a touchscreen, they will decide who controls the world's most formidable military force and the American budget, totaling $6.5 trillion.

In recent years, every presidential election has felt like a potential turning point for America. This time,such perceived danger is no longer just speculative. We have on the ballot a candidate who did his level best to subvert the will of the American people in his hubristic refusal to give up the presidency he was voted out of. For the first time in over 200 years,we have a candidate on the ballot who has been indicted in a court of law on charges of racketeering, conspiring, and election interference.

With Trump on the ballot, the core issue is whether America will continue as an enviable democratic republic or devolve into a fragile imitation. Hiding in what may seem like a disarmingly simple multiple-choice test at the ballot box is the immense power—and responsibility—to alter the course of history.

Given these stakes, we must consider the real consequences of our votes beyond partisan loyalties. This election isn't merely about choosing between conservative or liberal ideologies. What good are tax cuts if we stand to lose the very character and charter of our nation?The beauty and strength of the American Constitution is its finely calibrated balance of power between the three branches of government: the executive (President), the legislative (Congress), and the judicial (Supreme Court). Are we prepared to accept the dangerous erosion of this balance of power, meticulously crafted by our founding fathers? Are we comfortable with a president whose authoritarian tendencies are no longer hypothetical but proven? Make no mistake, this time, the choice is between democracy and authoritarianism, freedom and fascism.

What's at Stake Beyond Democracy?

Our rights are on the line:

The Supreme Court at a Crossroads

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), once a bastion of protection against authoritarian threats, is now compromised. The judiciary has become an enabler of the very executive branch it is tasked to keep a check on. Putting forth the most dubious of reasons, SCOTUS has granted the president immunity from criminal acts committed during his term, a decision that is a stab at the heart of American democracy.

Many lower courts have also capitulated to a criminal ex-president indicted on multiple counts. They have ignored substantial evidence against him, including the theft of classified documents for personal and political leverage.

The Supreme Court's rulings and lower courts' actions jeopardize our freedom to elect leaders and hold them accountableto the same laws that govern us all.The Bill of Rights' precious freedoms and civil liberties are under threat due to a SCOTUS showing clear right-wing bias.

The American dream, long theenvy of the world, cannot survive if democracy crumbles.

The Indian American Way of Life at Risk

Indian Americans are one of the largest groups of legal immigrants. Our American dream is defined by our bicultural lifestyles. We value celebrating our ethnicity while also integrating into the great American melting pot.

We face tough questions this November. Are we comfortable with mandated displays of the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms? How about our children being taught the Biblical theory of creation as an "alternative" to Darwin's scientific theory of evolution? How about a court compromised by right-wing pressure that, for example, rules against the opening of a Hindu temple on questionable grounds?

A Choice Between a Tough Leader and a Pied Piper

The difference between the two presidential candidates can't be starker.

Would you want a convicted felon leading the country? A president who stole government documents, refused to return them, and shared them with unauthorized individuals? A candidate who increased the deficit through tax policies favoring the wealthy while cutting benefits for those in need?

Or would you prefer someone who as the vice president, has been a part of an administration that revitalized the American economy, passed historic legislation with lasting intergenerational benefits, and is known for empathy and civility? Trump's record pales in comparison to that of Kamala Harris.

With Kamala Harris becoming the Democratic nominee we are witnessing a level of enthusiasm and excitement in American politics that we haven’t seen in a long time. Volunteers are signing up in droves that was previously inconceivable and campaign donations are pouring in from grassroots donors that have broken all historical records.

Wake Up and Vote

It's time for Americans to wake up and prevent the dystopian futurethat is almost assured under Trump.Disruptive power in politics thrives on ignorance. We must commit to democracy, the Constitution, and the rule of law. The South Asian community should engage in political discourse, as it has the numbers to influence outcomes in states like Georgia. We believe that, in the end, Americans will face reality and make the right choice for the future of our democracy.

Subhojit Roy, an independent software consultant based in Georgia, values civic engagement and has volunteered for Democratic groups.


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