March 2019 -
Mas Subramanian, a chemistry professor at Oregon State University, developed a vibrant, nontoxic, new blue pigment called YInMn Blue, which has generated wide excitement.
February 2019 -
Nandita Godbole's "Ten Thousand Tongues" is a bittersweet story inspired by real people, about biases, discrimination, actions, perseverance, risk, success, and the importance of family and food.
September 2018 -
Suman Raghunathan, Exec. Dir. of SAALT, believes that all people, including immigrants, should be treated fairly and with dignity. She tells what we can do to help in this fraught moment.
August 2018 -
Meera Gandhi's Giving Back Foundation helps those in need around the world, particularly women and children. She has a TV series, documentary, musical CD, and coffee table book as well.
July 2018 -
MULTICULTURAL TOYS AND BOOKS: Inspired by her biracial children, an Indian-American mom with a Wharton MBA launches a company named Umani that makes inclusive products for kids.
June 2018 -
Smriti Mundhra’s latest film, A Suitable Girl, co-directed with Sarita Khurana, focuses on Indian young women struggling to maintain identities and follow dreams amid intense pressure to get married.
May 2018 -
Raju Narisetti has had stints at publications like The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post—and he was, until recently, the CEO of Gizmodo Media Group. Narisetti, who has degrees in economics and business management, founded Mint, India’s second-largest business newspaper by circulation.
April 2018 -
Interview with Silicon Valley entrepreneur Sailee Raje who started an online venture, Ethnic Thread, a platform that allows women to sell and trade trendy desi clothes and services.
March 2018 -
A MUSICIAN MADE IN NEW YORK: Having grown up near the U.N., a Harvard grad and former journalist taps into her multicultural background for her eclectic music.
February 2018 -
Sahil Rahman and Rahul Vinod, inspired by the Chipotle formula, opened RASA Grill in Washington, D.C. Into the fast casual restaurant environment, here comes Indian cuisine!