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Not on Facebook? Never mind, here is our Facebook and other NEWS !

Compiled/Written by Suzanne Sen
November 2016
Not on Facebook? Never mind, here is our Facebook and other NEWS !

Khabar's Facebook posts from 11/1 to 11/30, 2016:

"Cricketing ties between the nuclear neighbours are currently stalled, and the men's teams have not played a bilateral series since Pakistan toured India at the end of 2012.
They have, however, played against each other in various tournaments including the 50-overs World Cup, World T20, Champions Trophy and Asia Cup."
India's women's team has just forfeited 3 matches for failure to play Pakistan and will miss out on automatic qualification for the 2017 World Cup in England.

11/2​3/16 Nikki Haley has accepted Trump's offer to be US Ambassador to the UN, capping "a remarkable year for their political relationship. ...The pair feuded in January after Haley's Republican response to President Barack Obama's State of the Union, during which she took a thinly-veiled swipe at Trump, warning against 'the siren call of the angriest voices.'"
(Photo: Gov. Nikki Haley, far right, along with husband Michael, daughter Rena, and son Naline pray during her inauguration ceremony in Columbia, South Carolina, on Jan. 14, 2015. AP)

11/2​2/16 Sari Bari is a 10-year-old company which calls itself a "freedom business", one of many enterprises in India that aim to help by providing economic opportunities and a dignified life for victims of sex trafficking.

The festive season continues: The Festival of Lights, Diwali, has come and gone, but another Festival of Lights, Hannukah, is coming in December. In the meantime, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between India and Israel, a set of two postal stamps were issued by the Departments of Posts of the two countries on November 5, 2012 in Tel Aviv at a colourful ceremony organized by the Embassy of India in Israel.
The Indian stamp shows a row of traditional earthen lamps or diyas, representing Deepavali and the Israeli one features a menorah with the word Zion inscribed inside a Magen David star.These limited edition stamps were designed by Indian artist Alka Sharma and Israeli artist Ronen Goldberg.

11/2​1/16 "Alarippu is a purely technical dance, taught to hundreds of thousands of students of Indian classical dance globally each year. IndianRaga Fellows Vivek Ramanan, Mangala Janahan and Surya Ravi decided to give it a new-age spin, with an avant garde track created by Creative Director Mahesh Raghvan and Vivek Ramanan. Here's the [VIDEO] classic Alarippu with a modern twist from the 2016 IndianRaga Fellowship collaborations!
Download the MP3 audio track for free at https://indianraga.com/music-download/
Apply today to become an IndianRaga Fellow at indianraga.com/fellowship

#Sanskrit-speaking village! Sanskrit #math.

A train derailment near Kanpur "could become India's worst rail tragedy since 2005 ... India's creaking railway system is the world's fourth largest. The central government runs 11,000 trains a day, including 7,000 passenger trains that ferry more than 20 million people, but it has a poor safety record, with thousands of people dying in accidents every year, including in frequent train derailment and collisions....railways need 20 trillion rupees ($293.34 billion) of investment by 2020."

11/20/16 "President-elect Donald J. Trump met in the last week in his office at Trump Tower with three Indian business partners who are building a Trump-branded luxury apartment complex south of Mumbai, raising new questions about how he will separate his business dealings from the work of the government once he is in the White House."

At the much appreciated Dhaka Literary Festival, "while there will no doubt quite rightly be mention at the festival of the seven atheist writers and their publishers killed by Islamic militants between February 2015 and April 2016, there will be very little (if any) mention of the longer term and more significant government restrictions on writing in Bangladesh."
"Unreasonable restrictions on the freedom of speech and writing have existed in Bangladesh under all regimes, but arguably since the country’s independence, under no previous non-military regime has freedom of expression become as restricted as it is now."
The U.S., too, must take care of its freedoms and guard against infringements.

11/19/16 Only one week from the election, more than 400 reported hate attacks have occurred, with many other incidents likely unreported.
There is no place in the White House for anyone, let alone a senior advisor, who espouses xenophobic, racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Muslim sentiments.

The Sureshbhai Patel case is still unresolved. "Still pending is a federal lawsuit Patel filed against Parker [the police officer who threw him down] and the City of Madison."
Madison Police Chief Muncey has resigned after being "found guilty in April of federal criminal contempt in connection with Parker's first trial. Those charges stemmed from his discussing testimony with the officer's colleagues. Muncey was ordered to pay a $2,500 fine and attend training for legal exposure and liability."
Meanwhile, Officer Parker has returned to active duty.

The #BeyondBollywood travelling exhibit is now fairly close to Atlanta: the City of Raleigh Museum is holding its grand opening celebration tomorrow, Nov. 19, at 7pm. The exhibit explores the Indian community in the U.S. and originated with the Smithsonian Institution. There will be food, dance, an address by noted author and activist #SwadeshChatterjee, and much more.

11/18/16 The Indian team beat the UK team in the historic Atlanta cricket match the other day (GIACC vs BABC)--and team India is doing well against England in the big leagues as well. :)

Amitava Kumar is one of the 46 artists who have just been named to receive $50,000 fellowships from United States Artists in Chicago.
Amitava Kumar is a Hindu Indian married to a Pakistani Muslim and has written on terrorism, the immigrant experience, and more. He has appeared in Khabar several times.
This Khabar cover story on his thoughts and work is definitely worth a second read, especially given the current political climate.

"India's government on Thursday announced immediate steps to ease a cash crunch for farmers amid widespread criticism of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's shock decision to withdraw high-value bills in the middle of the sowing and wedding season.
Farmers have been left stranded as traders have no cash to pay for their produce, while millions of Indians lined up outside banks and post offices for the ninth day to exchange old banknotes or withdraw rationed money from their accounts.
Modi dropped a bombshell on Nov. 8 by abolishing 500 and 1,000 rupee notes that accounted for 86 percent of cash in circulation. The move was aimed at cracking down on the shadow economy but has brought India's cash economy to a virtual standstill."

11/17/16 This article is full of useful links and tips for Polite but Strong Actions and Words:
how to contact your member of Congress (with tips so that they will listen), volunteering to fight Islamophobia, "accompany my neighbor," fighting hate groups, connecting with people of different views, supporting refugees and at-risk kids, more.

"The wedding of businessman and Indian politician G Janardhana Reddy's daughter, Brahmani, has been met with anger as millions of Indians are struggling in the midst of a cashflow crisis."
It is estimated to have cost at least 5bn rupees ($74m).
The bride's wedding sari alone cost 170m rupees ($2.5m; £2m) and she wore jewellery worth 900m rupees ($13m; £10m), reports said.
But even without the current cashflow crisis, "critics have described the lavish ceremony as an 'obscene display of wealth'."
Brings to mind the man with the gold shirt.
And Trump being interviewed in gilded chairs.
No wonder Trump says he likes India--this kind of India.

There are 450,000 undocumented Indian-Americans!
"The President-Elect renews his stance on deporting millions of undocumented immigrants." Read SAALT Press Release here:

11/16/16 "The stateless Rohingya are seen by many Myanmar Buddhists as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh."
Although authorities cite a "misinformation campaign," they "have denied independent journalists access to the area, so Reuters has been unable to independently verify either the military accounts or the accounts of the residents." Facing genocide?

Employees are scared for their safety after Trump's win, says PepsiCo's India-born CEO Indra Nooyi. "The real issues that face us as a country were never talked about," she says.
"On the protectionist and isolationist campaign rhetoric, Nooyi said she worries that there might be "discrimination" against American companies overseas if there is protectionism in the US but expressed hope that what Trump said during the election campaign will be different from what actually happens under his presidency."

The Atlanta-area teacher who was fired last month for posting social media messages calling FLOTUS Michelle Obama "a gorilla," had also posted about Muslims, saying they had no business being in the USA.
This week, November 14-18, is American Education Week during which schools invite community leaders to come learn firsthand what it takes to lead a school when they become “Principal for a Day.” Maybe students and staff will be minding their Ps and Qs this week.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice Atlanta was featured in Better Georgia for being one of the 5 amazing organizations that are all headed by women, fighting for the issues that most impact them and their communities!
"Most recently, Advancing Justice-Atlanta was instrumental in tripling the number of Asian-Americans in Georgia that voted. Advancing Justice-Atlanta is the first non-profit law center dedicated to Asian immigrants and refugees in the Southeast. In addition to their civic engagement work, they provide legal assistance to immigrants and refugees"
Congrats, AAAJ and Sonjui Kumar!

But right now, something is pushing Native Americans to not be silent: they and other landowners whose property is being taken by eminent domain along the Dakota Access Pipeline route are standing against the dangerous project. The Army Corps of Engineers approved Dakota Access LLC/ Energy Transfer Partners’ construction of the pipeline, which would extend 1,168 miles, crossing through communities, farms, tribal land, sensitive natural areas, and wildlife habitat carrying 450,000 barrels of fracked oil per day towards the Gulf of Mexico. This pipeline would travel through the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s ancestral lands and pass within half a mile of its current reservation, threatening sacred sites and culturally important landscapes, and crossing under the Missouri River just upstream of the Tribe’s drinking water supply. Because of the significant threats to the environment, public health, and tribal and human rights, a lawsuit requests that it stop and be subject to review under the National Environmental Policy Act rather than being fast-tracked.
As militarized law enforcement make increasingly violent attempts to suppress the peaceful, prayerful protest at the Standing Rock Sioux reservation, water protectors, horses, journalists are being wounded, arrested.
Here are ways you can be involved.

As we approach Thanksgiving, you might hear from your schoolchildren about the Native Americans and the first Thanksgiving feast. There is much more to know, however.
Bill Fitzpatrick tells the sad saga of how the voice of our nation’s first people is nearly extinct.
The picture below of the ‘Trail of Tears’ may remind you of the many people currently forced to leave their homes and become refugees....

“The whole point of this project, since day one, was to create an exhibition that could travel in Nepal. To bring this project to rural areas so women know women like these exist and that these women could serve as inspiration.” Cedillo has not, yet, secured funding to make this dream a reality.
"Broken Rules documents and showcases the outstanding achievements of 18 Nepali women who have shifted the trajectory for women in the country. Some of the women photographed for the series have shifted dominant power structures and fought tirelessly for a place and space in Nepali life. Others have been more reluctant movers and shakers, compelled to fight for respect and dignity through their own personal hardships and, as a result, have given voice to gender inequality in the country."

WLP 2017 Applications now available:
The 2016 election was a transformative one for American society. Whether you're upset about the outcome or excited about the prospect, we offer you a way to get involved and work toward the future you want to see for this country.
The WLP offers a comprehensive leadership curricula designed to get you involved to learn how to work within the system to bring about change. We now have 5 South Asians elected to Congress and a number of South Asians in the government; we will offer you a chance to learn from them to benefit our community and your future.

11/14/16 Children's Day 2016 (India)
Google says,
"The winner for the 2016 Doodle 4 Google competiton in India is Anvita Prashant Telang of Vibgyor High School in Balewadi, Pune. This year the theme was, "If I could teach anyone anything, it would be..." Anvita responded with the following statement and illustration:
Enjoy Every Moment
"In the current stressful times, greatest joys of life are often hidden in simple things, thus I would like to teach everyone to take time to enjoy every moment of life and appreciate the simple things around us."
Congratulations, Anvita! We'll do our best to follow your advice. "

11/13/16 Atlanta writer Anjali Enjeti says that yesterday's keynote speech given by Jose Antonio Vargas is the perfect example of why we need to stop looking at communities as monoliths.
Here's her piece for Fusion about the plight of undocumented immigrants in the age of Trump.

One reason for Trump's victory: It is being said that a Telugu man Avinash Iragavarapu on H4 visa here researched what words people like to hear in each state, and based on this, Trump's speeches were written. It is also said that Avinash is expected to get citizenship by approval from Trump and a position of Arizona senator!(2)
1) http://www.business-standard.com/article/international/avinash-iragavarapu-the-indian-who-helped-donald-trump-win-arizona-116111000492_1.html
2) http://www.gulte.com/news/53378/Telugu-Man-Behind-Trump-Win

It's not our imagination: a big uptick in incidents of vandalism, threats, intimidation spurred by the rhetoric surrounding Mr. Trump's election. "The white supremacists out there are celebrating his victory and many are feeling their oats," Cohen said.

11/12/16 “I feel children feel safe making comments that are racist or sexist because of him [Trump]," she [the teacher] told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

"If we document, we will know how bad the backlash is, and can make change."
Deepa Iyer
November 11 at 6:52am ·
In the wake of the election results, some people and organized hate groups are becoming emboldened to make their racist views very clear and very public.
Folks wanting to report incidents of hate, bias, discriminatory comments - please do so at the Southern Poverty Law Center site here: https://www.splcenter.org/reporthate and with community-based groups that work with your communities. Please also report to your local law enforcement and FBI. It doesn't matter if these are comments you hear randomly and don't have information about who said it. It's important to document.
Reporting incidents to law enforcement and to organizations such as SPLC, South Asian Americans Leading Together and others, is critical. If we document, we will know how bad the backlash is, and can make change. This too is part of the resistance we need to build.

11/11/16 "Police said they were also investigating the possibility the factory, was illegal and did not have a license to operate in the congested residential area....
"Despite the many disasters we have seen before, and the great amount of attention to the dangerous working conditions in the South Asian garment industry, factories there largely remain unsafe. These workers were killed because they were sleeping in the factory," said Carin Leffler of the Clean Clothes Campaign.

11/10/16 Based on Asian American voters polled on Election Day, 79% backed Hillary Clinton, 17% were for Donald Trump, and 3% voted for other candidates. The following is a breakdown by state:
Vote for President:
87% for Clinton, 12% for Trump, 1% other
(Trump won 49% of total votes, Clinton 48%, other 2%)*
91% for Clinton, 7% for Trump, 1% other
(Trump won 48%, Clinton 47%, other 4%)*
69% for Clinton, 21% for Trump, 3% other
(Trump won 51%, Clinton 46%, other 3%)*
59% for Clinton, 33% for Trump, 2% other
(Trump won 53%, Clinton 43%, other 3%)*
46% for Clinton, 49% for Trump, 1% other
(Trump won 58%, Clinton 38%, other 2%)*
69% for Clinton, 29% for Trump, 2% other
(Clinton won 48%, Trump 45%, other 3%)*
71% for Clinton, 23% for Trump, 1% other
(Clinton won 60%, Trump 35%, other 3%)*
80% for Clinton, 12% for Trump, 1% other
(Clinton won 61%,Trump 33%, other 4%)*
New Jersey
83% for Clinton, 13% for Trump, 2% other
(Clinton won 55%, Trump 42%, other 2%)*
77% for Clinton, 17% for Trump, 2% other
(Clinton won 61%, Trump 33%, other 3%)*
New York
82% for Clinton, 14% for Trump, 2% other
(Clinton won 59%, Trump 37%, other 2%)*
On Election Day, Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) collected surveys from close to 14,400 Asian American voters at 91 polling places in 14 states with large or fast-growing Asian American populations. Poll sites were selected based on voter registration files, census data, interviews with local election officials and community leaders, and a history of voting problems.
Approximately 950 attorneys, law students, and community volunteers were stationed at poll sites throughout the day, generally between 7:00 am to 8:00 pm. Surveys were written in English and 12 Asian languages, and volunteers were conversant in Asian languages and dialects. Additional exit poll results regarding Asian ethnic groups, most important issues influencing their votes, and preferences for Senate and House candidates will be released soon.

Lots of variety among events this week:
26 items on Khabar's Events Calendar today-Saturday-Sunday!
Our Calendar: http://www.khabar.com/Calendar/
Our Events Email (eKhabar): http://conta.cc/2fVnszH

Some Republican friends misunderstand what Democrats are feeling and doing: they think that the protests going on are just sour grapes, ordinary political bickering--or that the Democrats are doing what Trump implied he would do if he didn't win. No, definitely not: Democrats believe that a peaceful passage of power is vital, since we do not want to act like countries with coups and dictators. Many Republicans don't understand that this is NOT just normal political arguments between parties--people are afraid for their lives, there are racist incidents even in Atlanta against South Asians, people of color mistaken for "terrorists" by Trump supporters--a woman in her car who was yelled at to go back to her country prayed that the man did not have a gun--children are afraid to go to school because of the bullying by kids of Trump supporters--it is ugly, nasty White Supremacist attitudes, and that's one of the major reasons why people went out to protest after the election.
Here's an example: http://www.nola.com/crime/index.ssf/2016/11/woman_hijab_attack_louisiana.html
Indu Dey You are absolutely correct. My daughter is a teacher in henry county. Who really had to calm and explain support and hug and give them hope to so many kids either they were crying or staying unusually quiet or some crying just coz their friend told him that he may be leaving and so on .....!!
Khabar Magazine Thank you for sharing. Many people are sharing incidents on Facebook, and some Republicans are saying that they don't believe that the incidents are true, so it is good to have members of our community share their experiences.
Khabar Magazine If one instance was not true, that does not invalidate the fact that many other instances are true. Documentation is being gathered to put this in perspective for those who do not believe reports of hate crimes. "If we document, we will know how bad the backlash is, and can make change."
Sally Ellibee Finley Very true and I understand, I am upset because every time someone reports a false Sexual assault, rape, or in this case attack, it makes it harder for actual victims to seek justice.
Khabar Magazine Thank you for that comment! I understand your feeling. It is good that we can discuss and understand each other better. These are painful issues, but good communication helps us more forward.

11/10/16 South Asians on Facebook have written that their children are worried; some have allowed their children to stay home from school, mainly to avoid some of the anti-immigrant bullying from children of Trump supporters.
Adults have faced these verbal attacks as well. Neera Tanden from the Clinton campaign recently said, “this election cycle has been stark. For the first time I have faced anti-India slur and hate messages. I have been told that I would be deported, though I am born in the US.”

Election results 6) Raja Krishnamoorthi is now US Rep Illinois, Chicago-area, Democrat. He is the son of Indian immigrants to the U.S. and will be the first Hindu Indian-American congressman in American history.

Election results 5) Rohit "Ro" Khanna is an American teacher, lawyer, politician, and the new US Rep California, Democrat. He served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary in the United States Department of Commerce under President Barack Obama.
He ousted Mike Honda, who is the subject of an ethics probe.
"Everyone who is seen as a person of the future has endorsed our campaign," Khanna said in 2014 to the New York Times while going door-to-door in Sunnyvale. The same holds true for his 2016 campaign where a long list of tech leaders rounds out the bottom of his endorsements page.

Election results 4) Pramila Jayapal, originally from Chennai, is now US Rep from the state of Washington, Democrat, with 57% of the vote, and becomes the first Indian-American woman elected to Congress. She is an immigrant-rights activist who scored an endorsement from Bernie Sanders last spring.

Election results 3) Kamala Harris, Attorney General of California since 2010, is now US Senator from California, Democrat, winning with 63% of the vote. The race had an air of history in the making, as she ran to succeed Sen. Barbara Boxer. She was the first female, the first African-American, the first Indian-American, and the first Asian-American attorney general in California. Now she'll be the first Indian-American and second African American female to serve in the United States Senate.

Election results: 2) Tulsi Gabbard, US Rep Hawaii since 2013, is not Indian-American but is the first Hindu in Congress. She was Bernie Sanders' vice-presidential running mate in California, where Sanders was an eligible write-in candidate for president. She won with 81% of the vote to be US Rep Hawaii Democratic again.

11/9/16 Election results for Indian-American contenders:
1) Ami Bera has been representing the people of California’s 7th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. He is a medical doctor and the only Indian American currently serving in Congress.
A lifelong Californian, and a first generation American, Bera attended California’s public schools from grammar school, to community college, through medical school, earning both his B.S. and M.D. from the University of California, Irvine.
A Democrat, Rep. Bera is fighting for a third term in Congress, and was leading Republican Scott Jones. At last news, the race was too close to call and may not be decided for several days.
If Bera’s lead holds, he will tie the late Democratic Rep. Dalip Singh Saund, an Imperial Valley farmer, for the most number of House re-elections by an Indian American.

Named a 'Breakout star' in the list of best political reporting of 2016:
Indian-origin journalist Sopan Deb, CBS News (4th): "There's no doubting Deb's commitment to his assignment, which is covering Donald Trump for CBS News. In March, the Murrow Award-winning digital dervish was knocked down and arrested while covering a Trump rally in Chicago. He kept rolling, and police ultimately dropped the bogus charges against him. During a Twitter-centric campaign, Deb has been a prolific tweeter, and his colleagues say he's among the fastest typers in the press corps — a consequence of his piano playing days, according to Politico."

The current 500 and 1,000 rupee notes will cease to be legal tender at midnight early Wednesday and will be replaced by new 500 and 2,000 rupee notes.
Modi asks Indians to ignore the temporary hardship in order to kill the termite of corruption.

British PM Theresa May chooses India as the first destination outside Europe for her bilateral talks.
Amidst cries about the UK visa issue, Commerce and Industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Monday said, "I did say that... the UK seems to want access to the Indian market, the UK seems to want Indian investments, but the UK does not seem to want Indian talent... This is not an impression or perception that UK can afford to have," the minister added.

Atlanta's Archith Seshadri reporting on the election,
speaking with Rhonda Binda (who worked for the US Department of State under Secretary Hillary Clinton) on H1B, Climate Change and Trade with India.

4-year-old girl tortured, killed in black magic ritual.
“In places where superstition and vigilantism overlap and small rumors can turn deadly, nearly 2,100 people accused of witchcraft have been killed between 2000 and 2012.”
This, though, might not come close to showing the breadth of the problem.
“Like the proverbial tip of a very deep iceberg, available data hides much of the reality of a problem that is deeply ingrained in society,” stated New Delhi-based Partners for Law in Development. “It is only the most gruesome cases that are reported — most cases of witch-hunting go unreported and unrecorded.”

PBS just shared an Antiques Roadshow live video featuring...
guess what?...a spinning wheel gifted by Mahatma Gandhi!
You can see the video of the original episode of the show, the transcript, and an interview with the owner, daughter of the little girl who met Gandhi and received the gift.
Appraisal: $50,000-70,000.

11/8/16 California mother faces jail for selling homemade food.
There are desis also selling food made at home: warning, government guidelines must be heeded. Georgia's 'Cottage food law' allows people to cook and provide home made food for sale under certain conditions: Cottage food operators can sell these products within the State of Georgia directly to the consumer at nonprofit events and for-profit events (such as farmers markets), and through internet sales. Licensed cottage food operators are not allowed to distribute or wholesale their product, nor can they ship cottage food products across state lines. Check the details to stay out of trouble--application form here:

Speaking of cricket in Atlanta, Khabar's "Chai Time" column, compiled/written by Indian humorist Melvin Durai, has an item this month on cricket.
Durai is the author of the novel "Bala Takes the Plunge," and besides looking at sports every month, he writes many very funny items! Take a look.

Runner in NYC Marathon had more and nastier comments yelled at him this year compared to previous years.
"I think this clearly reflects what we're seeing around this country in terms of the sharp fracturing along the lines of race and religion."
"What I experienced is much smaller in scale than the brutal hate crimes that Muslims and Sikhs have endured in New York City over the past few years," Singh added. "I believe it's critically important that we confront racism in whatever form it occurs because the consequences of not doing so are just too heavy a price for all of us to pay."

What about cricket in Atlanta? How many leagues and teams do you think there are?
Answer: five leagues and 160 recreational and professional teams!
Metro-Atlanta, specifically north Fulton and south Forsyth, has a large number of cricket players who hail from all over the world, said Sriram Velicheti. So he and others are organizers for construction of seven cricket fields off Keith Bridge Road in north Forsyth, on 58 acres about three miles from Exit 17 off Ga. 400.
Groundbreaking ceremony was held at the property on Oct. 21.

India are crowned Champions of the 4th Women's #ACT2016 Hockey after scoring the winner against China in the final minute of the game!
Sachin Tendulkar tweeted about it.

Tomorrow is election day! If you haven't voted already, don't lose your chance to make your voice heard.--And do you know who was the first person in India to vote? He's 99 years old and has not missed an election to date.

11/7/16 Delhi's 20 million people are finding it difficult to breathe, and children are especially hard hit by the extreme air pollution--a million school children forced to stay home, many going to the hospital.
Irony: "Delegates attending a global conference on controlling tobacco consumption said they were taken by surprise by the level of pollution.
"I was shocked, did not expect this. It's kind of funny that we are at a conference that aims to have cleaner air and are at a venue that does not have that," said Irene Ryes, a delegate from the Philippines."

11/6/16 Fareed Zakaria explains his vote:
"I'm not a highly partisan person" but Donald J. Trump is "a cancer on American democracy." http://cnn.it/2fIFxkA

After the 9/11 backlash and now after Trump's race/good gene/bad gene stance, what is the next step?
"The path to building equitable, inclusive and welcoming campuses and communities lies in forming coalitions," says Deepa Iyer. "That means moving away from identifying with specific cultures to identifying with a shared history of oppression and creating solidarity among communities of color. One way to change the narrative, she said, is to reject seemingly positive, but ultimately harmful tropes like the model minority myth, which ignores marginalized members of Asian-American communities and encourages racial hierarchy.
“We are at a tipping point right now—politically, demographically, legally and socially,” Iyer said. “How we navigate that will shape the country for generations to come. So we have to act with some level of urgency to address the situations communities of color are facing.”

Young woman missing: Please notify police or her family if you have any information. She went to Parkview HS, some of you might know her...
(11/7: found safe this morning: "A passerby called the 911 Center .. Officers ...eventually found" her and she "is being reunited with her family.
We appreciate our community for actively trying to find Jaharatul by sharing our message among family, friends, neighbors, and social media. (Cpl. Michele Pihera)"

Sacha Byron Cohen has dropped out of playing the part of Freddie Mercury in the long-awaited biopic, because of artistic differences with the remaining members of Freddie's band, who want Freddie's antics downplayed. Now it looks like Rami Malek will portray Freddie.
Freddie Mercury is of Parsi descent, Sacha British, and Rami of Egyptian heritage.
(Photos: Rami, Sacha, Freddie)

Delta to India and back, easier than ever:
“For the first time, customers will be able to hold a single Delta ticket from North America through London to India providing coordinated customer service all the way through to their final destinations.”

Want to go hear Atlanta's Hindi Rock Band "Musafir"?
They say, "It's going to be shocking for those who have not been to Musafir concert. In Baja Atlanta show, people commented that it was better then many high profile concerts..."
New Age, Sufi, Bollywood,...

11/5/16 Tanzila Ahmed (Co-host #GoodMuslimBadMuslim) will be on the panel of an ONLINE (phone or laptop) AAPI Millennial Discussion TODAY at 7pm EST . The consulting firm, The HLN Group, is hosting the nonpartisan event in partnership with Comcast / NBC, Island Block, and APIA Vote. Panelists will talk about their professions and why it is important to vote in this election!
RSVP at http://www.bit.ly/2eWyt1B
To view broadcast on Saturday Nov 5th 4pm PST:

Then after hearing Fareed's jazz guitar, how about reading about
Shankar Tucker, a young Caucasian clarinetist who was given the name Shankar by Mata Amritanandamayi (Amma) and plays Indian style, starting from the devotional sphere and exploring outwards. He has done more for the cause of Hindustani and Carnatic music than many Indians have.
"In many ways, Shankar Tucker epitomizes all that is the polar opposite of the regressive world view of Trump and his supporters. While the latter are all about a monolithic white supremacy and its bland and insular world, Tucker represents everything that is beautiful about cultural osmosis—of reaching out and being inclusive as opposed to hunkering down and being exclusive."

Guitarist Fareed Haque is on GPB TV now, channel 8.3 "BACKSTAGE PASS" show tonight 7pm-9:30pm
Some of the most innovative musicians in jazz today: Haque showcases a unique twist on jazz guitar, while Monaco’s organ playing takes each song for a ride. The trio is rounded out with drummer Gelispie. Songs featured include “Furry Slippers,” “My One and Only Love.” "Flood in Franklin Park," and "Alio E Olio."

Today is the last day for Early Voting in Georgia...

Princeton recognizing importance of foreign language learning:
The economic advantages of foreign language study "are obvious and have been well documented," Feal added, "but it's the cultural and intellectual formation of global citizens that is really at stake here."

11/4/16 "It's a very important meeting on tobacco, but our visit doesn't appear feasible due to ongoing tensions," Saira Afzal Tarar, Pakistan's junior minister of health services regulation and coordination, told Reuters.
"One or two officials of the health ministry had applied for visa to attend the conference, but I think they are facing issues in getting it."
"Conference decisions on treaty provisions will have a direct bearing on a global tobacco industry that Euromonitor International estimates is worth $784 billion this year.
Topics for discussion include alternative livelihoods for tobacco farmers, e-cigarettes and trade and investment issues."
Photo: REUTERS/Mohsin Raza/Files

“Perception is often reality to voters in this election,” Gillespie said. “It’s not always facts or evidence that are reality, and that explains why we see people gravitating toward certain types of candidates and why people stick with those candidates even in the face of information that could be perceived to be troubling or disheartening.”
Most political statements are in the middle. They’re half true or partially true.
With the misrepresentation of facts becoming more common in politics, it’s up to readers and viewers to question the information in front of them."
But how do voters know which sources are reliable?
This article lists good resources, and the video helps:

11/3/16 Prof. Tinaz Pavri talks about the shared commitment to democracy, which includes holding fair elections and accepting results that are unpalatable to the losing side of a highly divided electorate.
"We seemed to have all been Indians in the India of my childhood, but now to be nationalist, one seems to have to embrace the dominant religion or ideology. In the U.S., the exponential rise of minorities in the new millennium and their hewing to the Democratic party has created a sea change in electoral politics, and one that leaves a bitter taste in the mouths of some."

Speaking of the UNICEF expert on WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) coming to Atlanta next week (11/9), here is a short film that shows efforts by a new generation of India’s Dalits who are taking steps toward gaining basic human rights, like water, sanitation and education, that they have been denied for generations.
"Touching the Untouchable,” a seven-and-a-half-minute short created by Indian American filmmaker and educator Meena Srinivasan, in partnership with her Eurasian-American filmmaker husband, Chihiro Wimbush, has been announced as a finalist for the 2016 Dan Eldon Activist Award.
The short film is competing with six other shorts for the prestigious award, which is presented each year to a filmmaker whose work inspires others to heed the call of activism.
The effort is being led by a Civil Rights-era African American who understands the plight of the disenfranchised.

Have questions about #voting? Want to speak to someone about it in #Bangla, #Hindi, or #Urdu? Here's the number: 1-888-API-VOTE for bilingual voting help in English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Urdu, Hindi, Bangla

Brush up on your cricket skills! There's a fun match coming 11/13! #India vs #UK at #OglethorpeUniversity. http://www.khabar.com/events-calendar/India-vs-UK-Cricket-Match

DESI DESIGNERS MAKE A SPLASH: Rachel Roy, Waris Ahluwalia, Naeem Khan, and Pia Fleming are some of the hot designers who have managed to storm the citadels of high-end fashion in the U.S., despite the competition and cliques. In America, go-to designers for undiluted glamour admit to being inspired by their rich native history and cross-culture. These talented Indian-American designers have their foot in the door of America’s moneyed fashion world, with their clothes being worn by Hollywood royalty like Angelina Jolie and Penelope Cruz. Indian-American designers have succeeded in the hard-as-nails fashion industry as they are really passionate about color, fabric, and making perfect clothes. “How do you set a proper sleeve? How does a fabric perform? We concentrate on the art of making clothes as opposed to making everything cookiecutter. We have an obsessive fascination for old world glamour,” said Payal Singhal. “We’ve grown up with similar cross-cultural references and Indian inspirations.”

11/2/16 World Toilet Day is coming on Nov 19, but before that
on Nov 9, you can hear a UN expert speak at Emory:
Sanjay Wijesekera - Chief of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene, Programme Division, UNICEF.

"In India between 1200-1600 children under the age of 5 perish every day due to lack of clean water, sanitation, hygiene.... Victims of violence are fewer than those dying from lack of clean water, sanitation, hygiene....300 million women wait til night to heed the call of nature"--so they are not drinking or eating in the daytime lest that makes them need to go.

What will history say about this election, when a few days after the election Trump is to face charges on sexual assault and on fraud related to his "university." Salman Rushdie tells us to "focus."

11/1/16 The phrase is "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth"--but if you don't learn history, you don't have the whole truth.
The author says, "the ugly xenophobia unleashed since the EU referendum has brought home the urgent need to reform history textbooks and address this abyss...To quote Kipling, that controversial yet compelling poet of empire: “What should they know of England who only England know?”

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