• Happy New Year

    Happy New Year December 2003 - Human bondage bordering on slavery seems like a social ill of generations past. Sadly, it is still alive in these high tech and civilized times, but worse; it is America ?the paragon of freedom ? that is used by the ... By KAMALIKA BANERJEE

  • The Bobby Jindal Irony

    The Bobby Jindal Irony November 2003 - The Indian-American community is on the verge of a historical landmark. The man responsible for it is Bobby Jindal, the frontrunner in the candidacy for Governor of Louisiana.

  • Keeping Diwali Alive

    Keeping Diwali Alive October 2003 - Parenting a toddler may well be one of the most effective of catalysts to bring about change in one's perspectives on life; more so for first generation immigrant parents raising their children in the new country.

  • The Mechanics of Madness

    The Mechanics of Madness September 2003 - On Monday, August 25th, 2003 twin bomb blasts in Mumbai killed more than 50.

  • “What’s so great about India?”

    “What’s so great about India?” August 2003 - It was a simple question from a persistent skeptic and a cynic. Notwithstanding the motives behind the question, an attempt at reflecting on it does serve as a good exercise in commemorating the 57th anniversary of India's Independence Day.

  • Shoot the Messenger!

    Shoot the Messenger! July 2003 - Nationalistically speaking, we Indians are a proud lot. And rightly so, there is a lot in our glorious heritage to be proud of.

  • Who would have ever thought ...

    Who would have ever thought ... June 2003 - Imagine 20 years ago, if someone had said to you that sometime in the near future, India was going to be the outsource capital of the world. You probably would have shaken your head and said this guy is crazy.

  • The Iraq Conundrum

    The Iraq Conundrum May 2003 - The rapid fall of Saddam's regime sucked the air right out of the huge global antiwar movement. Does it vindicate the Bush administration?

  • Globetrotting Indians

    Globetrotting Indians April 2003 - Bobby Jindal is the first Indian American to run for a state governor office.

  • American Autocracy

    American Autocracy March 2003 - Even as we attempt to act as messiahs around the globe in pushing for democracies, our own approach towards the world, as regards to Iraq, has been singularly autocratic.








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