• How would Consumer Reports rate the Bush Administration?

    How would Consumer Reports rate the Bush Administration? June 2007 - When buying an automobile or even something as relatively insignificant as a toaster, we pore diligently over the research and comparison of various brands and models ................

  • U.S. Citizenship: Taking the Plunge

    U.S. Citizenship: Taking the Plunge May 2007 - An Indian passport is valuable, a wag once noted, because it lets you leave India .................

  • Home Is Where the Heart Is

    Home Is Where the Heart Is April 2007 - In our incredibly fast paced lives, rarely do we pause to contemplate the equally fast pace of change. The adage ................

  • Indians in America: The Difficulty of Defining Ourselves

    Indians in America: The Difficulty of Defining Ourselves March 2007 - Are we Asian Indians? Indian Americans? South Asians? Desis? NRIs? PIOs?

  • A “Me Too” Culture

    A “Me Too” Culture January 2007 - "Dad, what did you have for breakfast this morning?" Reply: "I don't remember her name!"

  • Undocumented Immigrants: Rights and Responsibilities of Belonging

    Undocumented Immigrants: Rights and Responsibilities of Belonging October 2006 - Massive doses of incredulity and frustration lace both sides of one of the most pressing issues faced by this country: illegal immigration...............

  • Terrorism and Irrationality: A recipe for perpetual gloom and doom

    Terrorism and Irrationality: A recipe for perpetual gloom and doom August 2006 - A recurring theme—one that seems perfectly suited for mob mentality—manages to show itself amongst media pundits who are supposedly disgusted with India's constrained response............

  • Blessings of a Bipolar Life

    Blessings of a Bipolar Life July 2006 - I wish to share and celebrate a personal landmark that I feel is also a comment on our hyphenated lives as Indian-Americans. This year marks twenty years of my living in the U.S.—exactly as many as I had lived in India before migrating her

  • Politics: Support one of our own for the right reasons

    Politics: Support one of our own for the right reasons May 2006 - In the political saga of Georgia, the last gubernatorial race produced a result of historic significance. With the election of Sonny Perdue, the Republican Party broke a spell of over 130 years. Not in that long .......

  • Khabar Readers’ Bill of Rights

    Khabar Readers’ Bill of Rights March 2006 - 2005 was an exciting year for us. Not only did we publish the Business and Community Directory after 9 years, but we also stepped up the production........








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