• Managing Diabetes with Exercise

    Managing Diabetes with Exercise November 2014 - November is Diabetes Month. Nearly 30 million Americans have diabetes; another 86 million have prediabetes. Here are basic strength training exercises that help in managing diabetes.

  • October is Breast Cancer Month

    October is Breast Cancer Month October 2014 - Despite the government and nonprofits providing free screenings, almost half the eligible people don't take advantage of these great opportunities. Here are good tips to avoid breast cancer.

  • Fun and Fitness Make a Good Fall

    Fun and Fitness Make a Good Fall September 2014 - Fall’s arrival brings many opportunities to stay fit and burn extra calories. Take advantage of the cooler weather and head outdoors with the whole family. Here’s what you can do.

  • Dos and Don’ts of Do-it-Yourself Doctoring

    Dos and Don’ts of Do-it-Yourself Doctoring August 2014 - For everyday health problems, Mother may be your first source for help. What is your next source? Here are some guidelines on using the internet for health advice.

  • Is Sweat a Good Indicator of Fitness?

    Is Sweat a Good Indicator of Fitness? July 2014 - If you climb a flight of stairs and break out in a sweat, some might consider you unfit. Others believe that sweating is an indication of physical fitness. Here are some facts.

  • Colon Cancer: Why Screening is Important

    Colon Cancer: Why Screening is Important June 2014 - Colon cancer is increasing in South Asian communities; lifestyle and diet may contribute to this. Screening can prevent cancer, or detect it early so that it can be cured.

  • Swim, Not Gym

    Swim, Not Gym May 2014 - As summer temperatures rise, the pool is ideal for staying cool and getting a good workout. Here are two workouts—one for the non-swimmer and another one for the swimmer.

  • How Safe Are Over-the-Counter Supplements?

    How Safe Are Over-the-Counter Supplements? April 2014 - Supplements are constantly under debate, and recommendations vary with new research. If you're going to take a supplement, ask your doctor if it is appropriate for you.

  • March Nutrition Makeover

    March Nutrition Makeover March 2014 - March is spring-cleaning time and also National Nutrition Month, so how about spring-cleaning your pantry? Here are tips to help do away with old habits and spruce up your nutrition.

  • Fulton County Health Department Reaches Out to South Asians

    Fulton County Health Department Reaches Out to South Asians February 2014 - Fulton County is attempting to share health knowledge and collaborate so that preventive health services are easily available to South Asian Americans. Will you join in?






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