• Understanding Paget’s Disease

    Understanding Paget’s Disease April 2009 - Paget’s disease is a rare condition of bones in which the normal breakdown and reformation of bone tissue is upset, leading to excessive abnormal growth of poor bone formation and enlarged painful bone structures.

  • How to Prepare for Surgery: Operating Instructions

    How to Prepare for Surgery: Operating Instructions March 2009 - The JCAHO provides the following information for consumers in its “Speak Up” patient safety program to create awareness and help you prepare for your surgery.

  • Waste No Time to Reduce the Waistline!

    Waste No Time to Reduce the Waistline! February 2009 - Take a close look at the people around you the next time you’re at a public place. Are most of them overweight? Do they have large waistlines?

  • National Youth Leadership Seminar draws 800

    National Youth Leadership Seminar draws 800 February 2009 - More than 800 young volunteers poured into Atlanta, GA, from across North America on January 8 for the fifth national youth leadership seminar organized by the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in Lilburn.

  • What's Good For the Brain

    What's Good For the Brain January 2009 - Remember that consistent aerobic and strength training exercises are not only good for weight loss and disease prevention, but also for your mental well-being!

  • Tips to Prevent a Winter of Discontent

    Tips to Prevent a Winter of Discontent November 2008 - Whether it’s the cold, flu, cough or sore throat, there are ways to prevent sickness and strengthen your immunity during the winter. Here are some suggestions to stay healthy this winter.

  • Please (Don't) Pass the Salt!

    Please (Don't) Pass the Salt! September 2008 - Recently, I met a good friend who actually took a trip around the world, all on Business Class, from the points he had accumulated thru his frequent flyer miles. It sounds great, doesn’t it?! So how do they do this?

  • Modern Fitness Mantra: More Muscle, Less Fat!

    Modern Fitness Mantra: More Muscle, Less Fat! August 2008 - Are you one of those people who think that if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, your muscle will eventually turn into fat? If so, read on.

  • Some Hot Tips for Summer Days

    Some Hot Tips for Summer Days June 2008 - As summer approaches with soaring temperatures, there is not only ample opportunity to be outdoors but also an increased risk of acquiring heat related illness.

  • Sleepless in America

    Sleepless in America May 2008 - Sleep apnea is a common and underrecognized health risk








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