• A Pandemic IS the Time to Hold Accountable Those in Power

    A Pandemic IS the Time to Hold Accountable Those in Power June 2021 - The unimaginable scale of human suffering that the second phase of Covid-19 is causing in India certainly makes it the gravest challenge faced by the country since its Independence.

  • Hate Crimes: Important to Address the Root Cause

    Hate Crimes: Important to Address the Root Cause April 2021 - Stopping Anti-Asian Hate Crimes: To end the gut-wrenching hate and violence directed at Asian Americans, we have to address the root causes.

  • Democracies Can’t Be Taken for Granted

    Democracies Can’t Be Taken for Granted March 2021 - Democracy: Precious but fragile: Autocrats are on the rise, and even the world’s largest democracies can be undermined if we are not vigilant.

  • A great time to be an Indian-American

    A great time to be an Indian-American February 2021 - There are many young Indian-American girls who are now—thanks to the example set by Kamala Harris—emboldened to dream of one day becoming the president of this great nation. That’s a far cry from a couple decades back when young Indian-American kids, feeling alienated because of their names and their skin color, would not even dare to dream of belonging, let alone becoming leaders in an increasingly inclusive society.

  • Presidential Election 2020: Are We Still Hesitating to Choose Between a Train Wreck and Sanity?

    Presidential Election 2020: Are We Still Hesitating to Choose Between a Train Wreck and Sanity? October 2020 - Nothing less than democracy, and our future, is at stake.

  • The Futility of Putting Your Faith in Trump

    The Futility of Putting Your Faith in Trump September 2020 - For Indian-Americans, bicultural identity is an everyday reality. But while this cultural identity works to uphold our Indian traditions and values, we need to remember that when voting as American citizens for an American President, it is our moral and civic duty to vote based on which candidate will be best for America. Other considerations such as the bilateral relations between the two nations should only come in as secondary concerns.

  • Our Year of Reckoning

    Our Year of Reckoning August 2020 - As Democrats and Republicans get ready for the final stretch of an unusual, pandemic-scarred election year, and Americans brace for an ugly campaign season, much of the world remains baffled by Trump.

  • Quagmire: Black Lives in the U.S

    Quagmire: Black Lives in the U.S July 2020 - Systemic and structural racism continue to shackle Black lives, while police brutality against them has become epidemic. Genuine alignment with BLM, however, also requires courage to call out extremism in the movement.

  • Insights from the Ongoing Viral Pandemic

    Insights from the Ongoing Viral Pandemic April 2020 - Why do I suddenly feel relieved in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis? Because with no events to attend, I can almost relax! We Indians love socializing, but we overschedule ourselves!

  • Will communalism eventually derail the Modi roller coaster?

    Will communalism eventually derail the Modi roller coaster? February 2020 - The Modi roller coaster has been, at times, an exhilarating ride; lately though, it’s gone into a frightening free fall, weighed down by his increasingly insidious communal designs.






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