• Don’t Mess with India’s Secularism!

    Don’t Mess with India’s Secularism! September 2017 - The Hindu hardliners that Modi enables could push India towards theocracy. He is flirting with what can ruin his agenda and legacy—the Hindu Right. If we lose secularism, we lose the soul of India.

  • “What Part of ‘Illegal’ Don’t You Understand?”

    “What Part of ‘Illegal’ Don’t You Understand?” April 2017 - We employed illegal immigrants for years, in construction, farming, hospitality, etc. We didn't stop the influx before these 'illegals' became entrenched into their American lives.

  • The People and the Presidency

    The People and the Presidency March 2017 - Our choices can be emotionally charged with pride and prejudice--but this is not the time for partisanship, for party loyalties, but for holding the president accountable.

  • Of Media Bias and Responsibility in the Age of Trump

    Of Media Bias and Responsibility in the Age of Trump February 2017 - The role of media does not end with informative reporting. Commentary and op-eds make media the Fourth Pillar of democracy: keeping a watchful eye on the Executive, Legislature, and Judiciary.

  • Guest Editorial: A Message to Our Community

    Guest Editorial: A Message to Our Community December 2016 - A little less Indian, a lot more American: Sikhs and Muslims have already found themselves on the firing line of bullying and hate crimes. We need to care about profiling and step outside our community.

  • Goon-Enforced Patriotism

    Goon-Enforced Patriotism November 2016 - Are we heading towards a “flat world”—a global village that would be a level playing field for commerce and culture? Or are nativism, racism, and xenophobia building walls in India as well as here?

  • Presidential Election 2016: A False Equivalency That May Destroy America

    Presidential Election 2016: A False Equivalency That May Destroy America October 2016 - “Trump’s a whacko, Clinton’s a liar,” is the word on the street. Editor-in-chief Parthiv N. Parekh's points support the Washington Post: "There is no equivalence between Ms. Clinton’s wrongs and Mr. Trump’s manifest unfitness for office.”

  • Whose Worldview is More Aligned with Reality?

    Whose Worldview is More Aligned with Reality? September 2016 - The political discourse of the nation is no longer just about policy differences. Each side believes the other is stupid or sinister, or both, full of lies and propaganda. What sources shape these views?

  • Here’s What’s Missing from “Black Lives Matter”

    Here’s What’s Missing from “Black Lives Matter” August 2016 - Black Lives Matter is a valid movement, and direly needed--but the polarization and damage to Black lives and Blue lives will get worse unless both sides shift from blame to introspection.

  • Politicizing Patriotism

    Politicizing Patriotism May 2016 - “Bharat Mata Ki Jai” (“May Mother India be victorious”) shouldn’t be controversial words in India! But the right wingers insist that every Indian must proclaim those words to prove patriotism.






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