• Lost Childhoods?

    Lost Childhoods? May 2023 - Societies and communities are increasingly not conducive for raising children who are resilient and joyful.

  • A Philosophical Take on Movies

    A Philosophical Take on Movies February 2023 - Making Good Entertainment: Tastes may differ, but doesn’t quality still count? Some thoughts on what makes a movie worth watching—or not.

  • Indian cricket is failing to capitalize on its potential

    Indian cricket is failing to capitalize on its potential December 2022 - Why is India not the most dominating and formidable cricket team in the world when all ground realities are overwhelmingly in favor of it being so?

  • Guest Editorial: This November, Vote to Uphold our Democracy

    Guest Editorial: This November, Vote to Uphold our Democracy October 2022 - We have entered a new, even more frightening, era of extremism. This may be our last chance to reverse course.

  • An Ode to Aamir Khan

    An Ode to Aamir Khan September 2022 - The vitriol against the actor in the form of the hashtag, #BoycottLaalSinghChaddha, is just the latest of many such campaigns against him.

  • An Immigrant Community on the Rise

    An Immigrant Community on the Rise August 2022 - What I learned from three decades of chronicling the Indian-American community, particularly that of Atlanta.

  • The Marvel of Representation

    The Marvel of Representation July 2022 - Teen fans will soon be hanging flashy posters on their walls of Ms. Marvel—the latest of American superheroes.

  • Embracing all Hues of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identification

    Embracing all Hues of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identification June 2022 - Our communities are stuck in archaic attitudes, especially when it comes to accepting, let alone embracing, the varied shades of sexual orientation and gender identification that are increasingly becoming evident as prevalent.

  • It’s not just that 'The Kashmir Files' is propaganda, but that it’s dangerous

    It’s not just that 'The Kashmir Files' is propaganda, but that it’s dangerous May 2022 - The massive success of 'TKF' shows that propaganda works. But inciting the sentiments of the masses can be dangerous for the nation.

  • Life Lessons Come Full Circle

    Life Lessons Come Full Circle April 2022 - Pondering on the pros and cons of Eastern and Western culture based on three decades of bicultural immigrant life.






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